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Aman Mathur had spent the whole day trying to gather proofs against the filth of a man. As he had suspected, Shyam had contacts with numerous criminals.
The residents of Lakshmi nagar were also familiar with that man . But, Aman knew these were just mere pieces of information that could be easily manipulated.

Shyam's phone records, showed a particular number that had been frequently contacted over the past week. Aman felt that it would give him a lead and he had been right. He'd done intensive search on the owner of the number, he'd come to know that the number belonged to one of Mr.Roy's
juniors. On digging more deeply, he had gotten to know that this particular junior had resigned exactly two days back and had moved out of the city . Aman found it extremely suspicious. He immediately updated ASR of the news .


Arnav Singh Raizada sat on the recliner , thinking about what he had just heard from Aman. He'd figured out the snake's intentions . It was obvious that Shyam was after his will . He immediately texted Mr.Roy, the changes he'd wanted in his will. He informed him that he needed the corrected will the next day. He clearly instructed him to look into this personally and not even involve his assistant as the matter was highly confidential.

Khushi looked on as her husband furiously typed something on his phone. Poor phone she thought to herself .

She lay down on the bed and stared at the stars she'd hung over his bed. She prayed to them, to help her pass through this testing phase of their lives.

Arnav clicked his phone off and settled on his recliner. He had calculated his next moves carefully. He knew that Shyam must be planning something really big , if he was after his will . He had to make sure that no doubts arose in the slime's mind about his plan.

Arnav shifted uncomfortably. His recliner was one of the worst places to sleep in. How the hell did they share this thing on their so called honeymoon, he thought. The memories of the Bali in Delhi night came flooding. He inhaled sharply. It had been so hard for him to stay in control being so close to her. He shook off his thoughts, given the direction they'd been heading .

He turned to see his wife , she was looking at the shiny plastic stars that she'd hung. A small smile formed on his lips and slowly sleep engulfed him.


Khushi woke up to the sound of her husband yelling instructions at Aman through his handsfree. He was dressed in his formals. Was he mad ? she thought. It wasn't even seven in the morning.

Before she could ask,

"I have a really important work . I'll tell you everything once I come back." he said gently touching the side of her face and left .

Khushi hand involuntarily flung up to where his hand had been. The gesture had lasted for merely a second and it was the slightest of the touches but still got her breathing heavily and her heart thudding.

The shrill ring of the phone broke her trance .

" Hello, Amma ? " Khushi asked worried why her mother had called that early in the morning.

" Bitiya , How are you ? " Garima asked from the other side . Khushi noticed the tension in her voice .

" I'm fine Amma. But, are you alright? You are sounding worried." Khushi asked.

"I'm fine. It's just that Khusi , the doctor who is treating your Babuji , has been posted elsewhere. We came to know about this , when we called to book an appointment. I didn't want to trouble you , but we have to arrange another doctor for him and I thought you will be able to help." Garima said.

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