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Arnav and Khushi stood quietly beside the rest of their family waiting for the valet to get their rides. They were still in trance from the happenings of the evening. After their brief dance , many had come up to them congratulating them and the awesome chemistry they shared. It had rendered them both only more awkwardness.

" Di , Did you have your tablet ? " Payal asked Anjali.

" Ji Payalji. " Anjali replied smiling at her sister-in-law.

" Hey Bhagwan !! I completely forgot! " Anjali exclaimed.

" What happened Di ?" Arnav asked.

" Woh Chotte. Your medicines. The order you placed hasn't arrived yet. They called to inform from the pharmacy and I don't know how it slipped my mind. Your stash must be over. Right ?." Anjali said worrying.

" No problem, Di . I'll go collect it myself. Don't worry." Arnav said.

Just then , their cars arrived. The family boarded the SUV.

Arnav held the door out for Khushi. She got in , carefully avoiding his intense gaze on her. He then got in and they left the place.

" We'll have to go to the pharmacy first." He informed.

She just nodded.

Silence filled the car. Khushi was still coming in terms with her thoughts. They had started behaving like a normal couple despite their differences and their increasing physical closeness wasn't helping her either. Even before the great revelation by her sister, she knew that their chemistry had been ablaze.It scared her then , but it scared her even more now. She'd only accepted the fact their marriage was for a lifetime and not just a sham of six months and they still had their plenty issues to sort out. But , it was all happening too fast for her liking. She decided she needed to talk to him. They can't keep ignoring the elephant in the room.

Arnav noticed the turmoil that reflected on her face.

" Khushi, Are you alright ? " Arnav couldn't resist asking. It was a risk he was taking , particularly when he knew how much that question had irked her in the past. That question was your favourite flirt phrase too a voice inside him chided.

" Huh..Hum..I'm fine..." she stumbled.
She cursed herself for not being able to put her thoughts into words.

" You can tell me anything Khushi." He told in his comforting voice. His left hand reached out to hold hers. He knew something was troubling her and he wanted to do anything that would lessen her worry.

She couldn't pull away , even if a smallest part of her wanted to. His touch felt so good as always.

" Nahi , Arnavji ..Kuch nahi..I'm just tired. " She lied. She didn't know why she couldn't talk to him.

Arnav sighed as he brought his hand back to the steering. She wasn't being her usual self around him and it was hurting him more than it should. They still had their moments, like how she'd entangled her hand with his that evening, but it wasn't enough for him.

The car halted at the store. " I'll be back in a minute." he said getting off the car.

Khushi left out the breath she'd been holding for God knew how long.

" Hey Devi Maiyya, Give me strength!" she whispered.

Arnav came back and they were back on the road again.

The road they were travelling on carried so much meaning to Arnav. It was where he'd felt himself stop breathing at just the mere thought of losing her. Even the flash of that memory haunted him.

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