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Frozen. Arnav Singh Raizada stood frozen to his spot. The words his wife had hurled at him not minutes ago, looped over and over again in his mind, making him question himself.

Is the guilt of hurting her, more than your love for her? he asked himself.

The answer to that was simple. It was a NO. A big fat NO. Even during the initial days of their marriage, when he'd had poisoned views about her, there had been numerous instances when he'd fallen for her again and again. At that time, as much as he'd wanted to hate her, he simply couldn't and the reason was his love for her had outright dominated every other feeling he'd had for her.

So, why in the world can't you get over your guilt? his sanity questioned him again.

Now, that was complicated. It was knotted, twisted, messed up and what not. And it was so, because of his bloody past. His bloody mistake of mistrusting Khushi, and having put her through hell, made him identify himself with his FATHER.

He still couldn't forgive that man and he was certain that he never might be able to. Some odd logic, that if his father's deeds didn't deserve forgiveness, then so didn't his.

Arnav raked his fingers through his hair out of frustration. Khushi!. He needed to focus only on Khushi. The one thing he'd learnt from his accidental almost confession was to always keep her, his first priority.

He closed his eyes, to compose himself. He needed to sort this out with her. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes to see a pair of bloodshot eyes staring right at him.

"Come with me, Arnav.." the other person told in a cold low tone, getting hold of his hand.


Aakash worriedly stood by the door frame of his brother's room, as he watched his wife frantically requesting her sister to tell her, what had gone wrong.

Luckily, it had only been the two of them, when a visibly devastated Khushi had barged through the main doors.

Payal gestured Aakash, that Khushi wasn't giving in to her pleas. Aakash nodded and hurried downstairs to enquire his Bhai.

But to his surprise, he found an angry Anjali, heading to her room with Arnav behind her.

A restless feeling filled inside of him.

He rushed to know what was happening, but he was left to face the shut doors of Di's room.

Soon, he was joined by his wife. "Khushi, told me to leave her alone. Where is Arnavji? Aakash, I'm worried.."

Confused and concerned, the two of them had no choiice but to wait to know what had gone wrong.


Anjali Raizada was enraged at her brother, as her sister-in-law's words reverberated in her head.

"Would have told them that you married me, because you mistook me as a threat for Di's marriage. Would you have told them about the contract, about Jiji and Jijaji's involvement? Haan? "

Her brother stood before, not able to meet her eyes. It wasn't rocket science to not understand, she'd witnessed his wife's outrage.

"Explain.." she asked in undertone.

Arnav gulped down. A pregnant pause, followed.

"I said explain, Arnav." she repeated.

He flinched internally. If he was being addressed as Arnav instead of Chhote, it was a bad, bad sign.

"Di...." and then nothing. Nothing came out. How was he to tell his sister, his monstrosity.

"Is it that bad that you can't even find your words?"

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