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Anjali welcomed her Chotte and Khushiji inside with a wide smile. The news of their little water fight had reached Shantivan.

" I heard that last week's summer showers weren't enough for the two of you to get drenched. " Anjali teased.

Khushi's eyes widened.

"What the?" Arnav reacted.

Anjali laughed. " Don't get too shocked. Buaji told Payalji. Now come and join us all for dinner." she said.

Arnav and Khushi's felt their cheeks heat up in embarrassment. They knew they were in for more teasing spells.

They headed towards the table to join the rest of their family. Shyam sharpened his senses as he saw them arrive, his eyes scrutinising their every move.

Aakash 'accidentally' pushed a glass of water over Shyam. "Ohh...I'm really sorry Jijaji. My hand slipped." Aakash told with a fake voice. Payal bit down her smile.

"It's okay Saale Saaheb." Shyam spoke trying to maintain his cool. As he got up to leave, he heard Mami say. "Laagat hai! Today everyone is in the mood of playing water Holi! Hello Hi Bye Bye!"

The whole table laughed together. Shyam seethed inside. Of course, he'd heard about Arnav and Khushi's water encounter. He wasn't liking it a bit that Khushi and Arnav were indefinitely getting closer. He still didn't know where they'd been the whole day.

" You go get changed Shyamji. I'll get your plate ready." spoke Anjali, still breathless from her laugh. Shyam felt that weird. He kind of expected her to fuss and follow.

Arnav and Khushi, both then tried their best to ignore the water jokes and puns that were aimed at them.

"Enough all of you. Chotte, Khushi Bitiya, how was the visit to the Doctor's? " Nani asked.

"It was good Naniji. Infact, the doctors said that it's only a matter of months before Babuji will be back to normal." Khushi said with a satisfied smile. She was indeed very happy that Babuji was receiving the best treatment available.

Warmth spread through Arnav, seeing his wife genuinely happy after long.

" I told you Khushiji, Dr.Mehta is the best." Anjali told smiling.

"Dr.Mehta? Why are they talking about him." thought Shyam as he returned to join the rest.

The rest of the Dinner passed off with everyone listening to NK ramble about his missing camcorder.


The next morning, Arnav woke up to the clinking of the wind chimes of his room. He realized he'd woken up late as he saw the time. Sleeping on the recliner for days, was starting to get to him. He looked around to find Khushi missing.

He frowned a little. He always woke up a little earlier than her only to see her sleep with a cute pout on her face. He'd missed it today.

He got ready for work and joined the others. Aakash got him busy with some file but he was finding it difficult to concentrate without catching a glimpse of his wife from morning. He learnt from his Di that Khushi had gone to the market.

Time fled and both Aakash and Arnav headed to office. Soon, Arnav was occupied with the pending work that he'd postponed previously.

It was almost noon before he could relax a little. He decided to check on his wife. He hated to leave her in the same place as the creep. He called her. Once. Twice. Thrice. She didn't pick up.

"Pick up the damn phone Khushi!."

He started fretting. Hell, he didn't know if she was even back home. Just then, he heard the tinkle of her Payal. She'd come to handover his lunch.

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