• Chapter 6 •

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I spent the next few days with Silver and Jim. Silver had been making us work non-stop, but it was so much fun. It was honestly like having a father figure in my life again, and i'm pretty sure Jim felt the same way.

Jim and I were out on the deck after cleaning it until it was practically shiny. Silver came walking over to us with three ropes in his hand. Jim looked at me in confusion and just shrugged.

He smiled at us and said, "Why are ye staring at me like i've two heads on me shoulders? Sure were on a ship, you've got to know how to tie the ropes."

"Ohhhhh, that makes sense. I don't know if I need much teaching with this one though." I smirked. I studied ships and voyages for so long I knew exactly how to do this.

"Don't be to sure of yourself (Y/n)" Jim said walking over and grabbing two of the ropes off Silver and throwing one to me.

"Listen here now, and watch carefully." Silver said, "You go to the side, over, under and-"

Before he could even finish I had tied the knot in one quick swift movement,"Done" I said holding up the knot.

"Oh, well done (N/n). How are you going to keep up Jimbo?" Silver said elbowing Jim.

"W-what? How did you?" Jim said whilst trying to untangle his rope.

"What can I say? I'm smarter than you think." I said hopping up onto the ledge of the ship.

I started to walk along the edge with my arms stretched out for balance.

"Come down from there now (N/n). We wouldn't want anything happening." Silver said gesturing for me to come down off the edge.

"I'm fineee." I said looking over at them, trying to catch Jim's eye.

I was honestly just trying to show off in front of them, mostly Jim. His opinion of me was something I worried about. I knew he was my friend, but who knows what he actually thought of me.

In a terrifying moment I lost my balance and my foot slipped. I fell off the edge but by some sort of luck I had managed to latch onto the side of the ship with one hand. I was certain I was going to die, and all because I wanted to impress a boy I liked. I'm a goner.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab onto my arm. My heart was racing with the hope I might survive.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Jim shout.

Jim pulled me up and over back on to the ship. I sat on the ground in complete shock. I was literally shaking, it was so scary. Silver helped me to me feet.

Jim put his hands on my shoulders looked in to my eyes and said, "Oh my god (Y/n), you idiot! Are you crazy?! You almost fell to your death." Before I could say anything he pulled me into a warm embrace.

It felt so nice in his arms, so safe.The shock of what had happened began to wear off.

I laughed as I hugged him back, "I was lucky to have you there to save me."

"Alright, break it up you two rascals." Silver said. "Don't go walking along ledges anymore, ok (N/n)?"

"Yeah i'll try" I said pulling away from Jim.

Silver patted the two of us on the back, "Come on you've got work to do".

"Ugh" Jim said putting his hands in his pockets. He could do that all he wanted but I could just tell he loved it as much as I did.

We made our way down to the galley where there was tons of dishes for us to wash.

"Yous better get scrubbing" Silver laughed and pointed to the buckets of water and sponges.

Jim rolled his eyes so I said, "Come onnn, it could be worse."

"Yeah I guess" He sighed.

Silver left the two of us to, so we could get working. We sat there scrubbing dishes for so so long. We were just chatting about things we liked and didn't like, just casual stuff.

We got to talking about treasure planet, we figured it would be alright to talk about since we were the only ones in the galley at the time.

"My parents used to read it to me all the time, that's why i'm so excited to go there." I said wiping my forehead with my arm. Washing dishes was surprisingly tiring.

"Really? Same here...that was until my dad left." His expression changed from content to somber.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked trying my best not to be too pushy. I didn't want pressure him into talking about his dad.

"Well...He was always there when I was really young. Those were honestly some of the best days of my life...that is until now, with you on this voyage. As I got a little older, I began to notice he wasn't around as much. One day I woke up to see him out my window boarding a ship. That was the last time I saw him. No goodbye. No nothin" I looked at him to see a tear rolling down his cheek.

I cleaned my soapy hands on my skirt quickly and put my hand to his cheek to wipe away the tears. He looked down, furrowing his brows.

"Hey at least you've got Your mum, Silver, myself, Dr. Doppler and even Captain Amelia. She likes you more than she lets on." I saw him smile a little.

He took a deep breath and spoke, "What about your parents, what were they like?." He asked.

"My parents were my everything to me. I was distraught when I found out they had passed. I was lucky that their friend Amelia was nice enough to take me under her wing. She's not actually my Aunty but I call her that. I miss them a lot." I sighed.

"Yeah I understand..." Jim said smiling weakly at me.

We had just finished the load of dishes when Silver walked in, and plopped down another pile of dishes. I was so tired, but we had to get them finished. We continued working for another while, then stacked all the dishes on the shelves. We were finally finished.

I slumped onto the floor leaning against a barrel and Jim sat down next me. I, without realising, began to doze off. Before I was in a deep sleep I felt my head fall onto Jim's shoulder and his arm around me.

Voyage • Jim Hawkins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now