• Chapter 9 •

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I woke up abruptly to see Jim chasing, a boot? around the room. I stood up, yawned and stretched.

"Jim can I ask why your chasing a boot this early in the morning?" I said putting on my own boots.

"Ugh Morph has my boot and won't give it back...come here you little-" He said in a sleepy voice, he must have just woken up. "It's too early for this" He said trying to grab onto the boot.

I laughed but decided to help him. I quickly snatched the boot while it was running away from Jim and it started to change into a pink little blob.

"Sorry to break it to you, but Morph doesn't have your boot. He is your boot" I giggled.

Morph flew out of my hands and pulled Jim's actual boot out from behind a box. He started to fly away and out of the crews quarters. Jim and I ran after him trying it get it back. Morph stopped at the vent that was just above the galley and Jim jumped forward, grabbing the boot from the little shape-shifter.

I was running right behind Jim so when he stopped and jumped I tripped over his leg landing on the ground beside him, facing Morph.

Morph was trying to play and squirted water into my face, "Why you little squid?!" I said laughing as I tried to grab him.

"Little squid. Little squid. Little squid" He repeated turning into smaller versions of me. He flew down the vent and into the galley.

I decided to run after him, Jim was bit behind after putting his boot on. I ran to the stairs that led to the galley and down them. The first place I looked was the huge barrel of weird purple fruit. I looked inside to see one of the fruits look up at me with two little eyes.

"Gotcha!" I said jumping into the barrel and grabbing him.

He started chirping happily but I saw Jim coming down the stairs, I shushed the little creature and ducked down into the barrel.

I could see him through one of the little holes in the barrel. I was planning on scaring him until I saw some of the crew coming into the galley from the other side. He came over to the barrel and before the crew saw him, I caught his arm and yanked him into the barrel with Morph and I.

He started laughing, but I quickly quietened him by putting my finger on his lips and whispering "Shhhh".

He looked confused so I pointed to one of the holes in the barrel and he looked out, a look of realisation came from him.

I looked out after to see some of the crew standing with Silver and Scroop. They began to talk but in a hushed tone.

"Look, what were saying is, we're sick of all this waiting." One woman said.

Another voice came, "We are wanting to move!"

Silver answered the man, "We don't move till we got the treasure in hand".

I gasped but Jim covered my mouth as he listened carefully. They know about the treasure?!!

"I say we kill em all now" Scroop hissed.

Jim and I looked at each other worried.

"I say what's to say! Disobey my orders again, like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow and so help me you'll be joining him!" Silver replied.

I couldn't believe it and neither could Jim by look of his face.

"Strong talk, but I know otherwise" Scroop reached his claw into the barrel trying to grab a fruit.

I quickly picked one up and carefully put it just underneath his claw, he grabbed it.

"You got something to say Scroop?" Silver asked.

"It's those kids. Methinks you have a soft spot for em." Scroop sneered.

There was a collective 'Yeah' and agreement from the rest of the crew.

"Now mark me, the lot of ya. I care about one thing and one thing only! Flints trove!" Silver sounded angry. "You think i'd risk it all for two nose-wiping little whelps?!"

I felt my heart sink. It was all an act, everything he'd done with us and said to us.

Scroop continued, "What was it now? Oh yous have the makings of greatness in ya" He mocked what Silver had said last night.

"Shut your yap!" Silver shouted. "I cozied up to those kids to keep em off our scent. But I ain't gone soft!"

I looked at Jim, he honestly looked like he was on the edge of a mental breakdown and I didn't feel any different than he. It was absolutely heart-wrenching.

Suddenly a voice came from the main deck "Land ho!!".

The whole crew ran upstairs. I pulled myself out of the barrel and gave Jim a hand getting out. I couldn't even cry, I thought Silver genuinely liked us. I looked at Jim and just wrapped my arms around him. I was so sad.

He didn't hug me back, but I didn't blame him, he was in just as much shock as I. I pulled away and looked at him, he looked like he was in so much pain.

"We should probably get up there" I said softly.

We had to get out of there before anyone realised what we had heard. We walked quickly over and up the stairs but as we reached the last few steps our path was blocked, it was Silver.

"Jimbo, (Y/n)?...Playing games are we?" He looked so guilty.

I backed away and down the stairs, Jim did the same. Silver continued to walk towards us and we hit a stop at one of the tables.

"Yeah. Playing games." Jim said coldly.

"Oh. I see. Well I was never much good at games." Silver said putting his arms behind his back. It was horrible standing there, knowing it was an act but not saying anything. "Always hated to lose..." I heard a click noise come from behind his back.

I glanced behind Jim and I looking for some sort of weapon but Jim was already trying to get the scissors off the table.

"Me too!" Jim grabbed my hand, and stabbed silvers mechanical leg with the scissors. He ran and pulled me with him.

We ran as fast as we could, Jim pretty much threw me into Amelias stateroom. He slammed the door behind him, locking it. I stood there panting, trying to catch my breath. Jim explained everything to Amelia and Dr. Doppler really quickly.

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