• Chapter 13 •

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I pulled the robot down from the door and ducked down really low. Jim started to shoot back at the pirates and then ducked down with me. Suddenly I heard Silvers voice,

"Stop wasting your fire!" He shouted. "Hello, up there!"

Is he talking to us?! Jim and I peaked and Silver was standing waving a makeshift white flag.

"Jimbo, (N/n). If it's alright with the captain, i'd like a short word with ya." He said walking closer.

We both ducked back down and looked at each other.

Silver continued, "No tricks, just a little palaver." I looked at Amelia with a questioning expression.

"Come to bargain for the map, doubtless." Amelia said.

It kind of hurt me a little, part of me was hoping that maybe it was a misunderstanding somehow, even if I knew deep down that it wasn't. "Yeah I suppose." I sighed.

"That means, he- he thinks we still have it" Jim said with a mischievous look.

We all decided that Jim and I would go out and talk to Silver. We might be able to get some information.

Jim helped me out of the door once again. We walked over to Silver who was standing on his own. Morph flew over to Silver.

"Morphy! I wondered where you lit off to!" Silver said petting Morph.

The little shape-shifter looked so happy to see him. I wish I could've said the same about myself and Jim.

"Oh, this poor old legs down right snarky, since that game attack we had in the galley" Silver said laughing and sitting down on a rock. He smiled up at us.

Jim glared at him silently but I couldn't, I was just really hurt by him. "Oh cut the act Silver! We know what you're really like." I said folding my arms.

He sighed as the smile faded from his face, "Whatever you heard back there, at least the part concerning you two, I didn't mean a word of it." I wanted to believe him so badly, I really did but I knew I shouldn't. He continued, "If that bloodthirsty lot had thought i'd gone soft, they'd have gutted us all."

I didn't say anything this time, neither did Jim. I just stared at the ground thinking about everything Jim and I had done with Silver. He wasn't dead, but I had lost another important person in my life, even if the important part was an act. My posture softened slightly and I let my arms fall back to my side. I was holding back tears.

Silver leaned in close to us, "Listen to me. If we play our cards right, the three of us can walk away, rich as royalty." He whispered.

Jim looked like he was thinking, "Yeah?" What is this dumb boy doing?!

Silver chuckled, "You get me that map, and we split the treasure evenly between the three of us" He said putting his arm around Jim. He stood back. Silver put out both of his hands, one towards each of us, waiting for us to shake them.

"Boy...you are really something. All that talk of greatness, what a joke" Jim scoffed.

"We trusted you..." I said once again holding back tears.

"Now just see here-" Silver tried to speak.

Jim interrupted him, "I mean, at least you taught us one thing. Stick to it, right? That's what i'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that you never see one drabloon of our treasure!" Jim said angrily.

"That's right! You don't deserve it! Not after you lied to us. For so long." I said pointing my finger at him.

"That treasure is owed to me, by thunder!" Silver yelled.

"Well, try to find it without the map, by thunder!" Jim shouted right back.

"Yous two still don't know how to pick your fights, do you? Now mark me, either I get that map by dawn tomorrow, or so help me, i'll use the ships cannons to blast ya all to kingdom come!" Silver said in a really aggressive tone. He stood up to walk away, "Morph Hop to it!" Morph looked scared and didn't move. "Now!" Silver shouted. Morph jumped and hid behind Jim. Silver stormed off.

I looked to Jim. "The audacity! Am I right? He doesn't have the right to be angry at us!" I said, really aggravated.

Jim didn't respond, he looked as though there were tears welling in his eyes. I sighed and knew that it probably wasn't the best to be getting all angry. I just wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a warm embrace.

He hugged me back and we didn't let go for a few minutes. We just held onto each other tightly, both sad. In his arms was the safest I had felt in a while. I gave him one last squeeze and pulled away. I looked into his eyes, which were stained red, most likely from crying. He just looked so sad. Who could blame him? This situation hit too close to home for the both of us.

He smiled really weakly at me and I returned the smile. We walked back over to the door and once again he helped me get inside.

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