• Chapter 21 •

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"Aloha! Jimmy, (Y/n) and scary pirate!" B.E.N. shouted.

The sound of the robots voice filled me with hope. Life has been such an emotional rollercoaster lately...When are we ever going to catch a break? I looked up to see B.E.N. standing in the Ship. They lowered the ship towards us.

"B.E.N.!" I exclaimed.

"Hurry people! We've got exactly two minutes and thirty-four seconds till planets destruction!" B.E.N. said quickly.

The ship, lowered further to us. Jim and I scrambled in, with Silver helping us. I stood up and took a deep breath. I looked up to see Amelia, standing on the quarterdeck with Doppler and B.E.N. The robot was at the wheel, which was slightly worrying.

I ran up to Amelia and hugged her tightly, she winced in pain and I pulled away. I had forgot about her injury. "Oh my gods, Amelia, I'm sorry."

She pulled me back for a looser, gentler hug. "That's alright dear. It's just fantastic to see that your safe, though I never doubted you for a moment." She spoke softly, it was comforting.

"I did...doubt you, I mean. No offence." The Doctor chimed in.

"Thanks a lot Doc." Jim said sarcastically, as he came up the stairs laughing.

Silver walked up to greet them, taking his hat off, "Captain, you dropped from the heavens in the nick of-".

"Save your claptrap for the judge, Silver!" Amelia cut him off.

I thought everything was going smoothly until, of course, like always, something bad had to happen. A piece of debris flew at the ship and knocked one of the sails clean off. Lovely, just wonderful.

"Mizzen sail demobilised, Captain! Thrusters at only 30% capacity!" B.E.N. said frantically, pointing at the control panel.

"30%?!" Doppler said in disbelief.

"What, what is it?!" I asked.

"I'm afraid that means we'll never clear the planets explosion in time." The Doc said.

A silence fell over everyone but then out of nowhere Jim pipes up and said, "We gotta turn around!"

"What?" Amelia asked, confused.

"Jim what are you talking about?!" I asked.

"(Y/n), trust me. The portal!!" He ran off to get something.

I stood confused for a moment, but then I finally realised what he was talking about. "Oh the portal!!" I exclaimed, which just made my Aunt look even more confused.

"(Y/n), explain!" Amelia ordered.

"The portal, back there, we can get away from the explosion of the planet through that!" I said.

"Pardon me Jim, but isn't that portal opening onto a raging inferno?!!" Doppler shouted over to Jim.

"Yes, but i'm gonna change that!" Jim said. Oh gods, what is this crazy boy about to do?! "I'm going to open a different door!" He continued.

"And how do you suppose your gonna do that Jim?!" I said, because the hologram that's used to change the location is practically on the ground.

"Solar surfing" He said, looking at me and holding up a piece of wood. Oh he is not about to do this.

"Captain, I-I don't see how this is possible." Doppler said.

"Listen to the boy!" Silver yelled walking over to Jim.

"One minute, twenty-nine seconds till planets destruction!" B.E.N. shouted over to us.

"Not helping B.E.N.!" I replied.

I quickly went over to Jim, Silver was helping him with this makeshift solar sailor. Silver helped him attach all the pieces by welding them with his mechanical arm.

I looked at the small creation, "Jim this isn't even a solar sailor!" I said.

"We've to work with what we have, (Y/n)" He replied.

I wrapped my arms around him for a quick hug, "Jim Hawkins, you better be as good at this as you always say!" I said sternly.

He smiled at me, "Don't worry (Y/n) (Y/L/n). I got this." He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, making my face turn a shade of red. Really?! Blushing?! right now?!

Jim hopped up onto the solar sailor thing, it was more like a solar skateboard. Before he was off, he looked at Silver. "No matter what happens, keep this ship heading straight for that portal."

"Fifty-eight seconds!" B.E.N. yelled.

"There's no way we'd leave you! Now go! And I swear to the gods Jim if you die, I will kill you!" I threatened, even though it made no sense.

He nodded, stepped on the pedal and with that, he was flying off.

"Come on! We have to get this ship turned around now!" I shouted.

"You heard them, get this blasted heap turned around!" Silver reinforced what Jim and I said.

The doctor rapidly turned the ship around, under orders from amelia, and got the ship headed towards the portal. I was searching through the chaos, trying to spot Jim. Finally my eyes caught a glimpse of him, I tried to follow him with my gaze to make sure he was alright.

All of a sudden the sailor skateboard slowed down and started falling. I couldn't believe it, the look of panic on both our faces was immense. He kept falling until he was out of my view.

"Come on Jim...please be ok..." I muttered under my breath, waiting for him to appear again. Nothing. He didn't resurface, if he had, then he would be in front of us about to change the portal but he wasn't anywhere in my line of sight. He's gone...

As we got really close to the portal, I closed my eyes tightly shut. Everyone was shouting and the entire place was chaos around me, but I was in my little bubble of thought. I was breathing shakily, trying to process the fact that Jim was gone, and within seconds I would be gone too. I could feel my life flashing before my eyes but the most prominent memories were ones of Jim. I smiled at the thought of he and I, as I accepted that death was seconds away from me, but then....

(A/n) I wrote two chapters to post at the same time, because I love when authors do that, so yeah.

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