• Chapter 24 •

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We walked back up to the deck, and met back with Amelia and Doppler. They said that we'd probably be back on Montressor by the morning. I was hoping we'd be back quicker than that but Amelia said we'd have to take it slow seeing as how damaged the R.L.S. was after everything.

Jim and I sat out on the deck together. Amelia and Doppler were off somewhere together.

"My Aunt at the Doc seem to spend a lot of time together, don't they?" I said to Jim.

"Yeah, they do, but can you blame then?" Jim asked.

"I suppose not. It's pretty obvious, that they're in love." I giggled.

"Really? I thought they were just good friends, you know, like us?" Jim said slyly.

"Excuse me?!" I asked. "Just good friends? Wow Jim, you've really hurt me." I mimed sticking a knife in my heart and fell back.

"Ah come on (Y/n). You know that i'm only joking." He laughed at my actions.

"Really?!" I asked dramatically, sitting back up to face him.

"Yes, were just friends, not good friends." He said and he was definitely just trying to wind me up.

"Aren't you just a jokester?" I said sarcastically.

"I do try" He said smugly, shrugging.

It was getting a little chilly out and I was really cold but I didn't say anything, I just shivered. It's not like I was trying to get Jim to give me his jacket...I was definitely trying to get him to give me his jacket.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, just a little." I laughed.

"Here, take this." He said taking his jacket off.

"No, no. It's fine, you keep it." I replied.

"(Y/n). We both know, you wanted my jacket." He smirked.

"W-what are you talking about? That's not what I was trying to do." I retorted.

"Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow, chuckling. I nodded my head. "You're a terrible liar." He laughed putting his jacket around my shoulders.

"Thank you" I smiled. "Jim, I don't know if i've asked this more than once, if I have and it's getting annoying, then I apologise." I laughed awkwardly. "But when we get back, are we still going to be friends? Like really?".

"Yeah obviously, why would you even ask?" He chuckled.

"I just think about how, you'd probably be fine if we just didn't meet again but I definitely wouldn't be fine. I'd probably think about you all the time." I said, making the mood a little somber, which I instantly regretted.

"(Y/n), didn't I just stay here and not go with Silver because I didn't want to be away from you?" He asked, making sound a little stupid for questioning him.

"Sure, but it wasn't only that." I replied.

"You were a huge deciding factor though." He smiled, which made me feel better. It was nice to be able to just talk to someone so easily.

We were sitting leaning against one of the huge masts, and I decided to put my head in his shoulder and lay against him, blushing, of course.

"You know, (Y/n), I don't think i've ever seen you not blushing" Jim teased, which only made me blush harder.

"Yeah and what of it?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's kinda adorable. I really don't understand why you blush around me." He laughed.

"Are you serious?" I loudly as I sat back up to look at him.

"Uh Yeah?" He said, looking kind of confused at my intensity.

"Jim, first of all, have you like ever looked in a mirror?! Second, your confidence is mwah" I mimicked a chefs kiss. "And Lastly, you are so sweet and funny. I mean you're pretty much the whole package." I smiled at him. He just stared at me like I was crazy. He honestly looked like a deer in headlights. "Jim? Hello? Montressor to Jim? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I don't know. I guess i've never gotten complimented like that before. I didn't think anyone found me attractive or thought of me as sweet, let alone a girl like you but well uh thanks." He smiled sheepishly, blushing slightly and running his hands through his hair.

"A girl like me?" I asked, confused.

"Mhm, a girl like you." Jim answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely still confused.

He laughed, "Oh my god (Y/n)!" He laughed. "You are so perfect" he said before I interrupted.

"Wow Jim, so funny." I said sarcastically.

"Can you let me speak?" He asked, I tried to butt in again but he started to talk over me. "(Y/n), I love e-everything about you. I'm not great at expressing things but, you are just-you're so funny and nice and beautiful and ugh. I l-love everything from your little sarcastic comments, to your clumsiness to the way to talk in your sleep." He said, stuttering and stumbling over his words.

My heart practically skipped a beat, the only words I could muster were, "I do not talk in my sleep."

"I've slept in the same room as you, for the past who knows how long. I think i'd know if you talk in your sleep and...you do." Jim replied.

"Thank you Jim. For saying those things about me. I don't think anyone has ever felt that way about me." I smiled shyly.

"I'm not just saying them, I mean them." Jim said as he put his arm around me.

We just talked about silly things for a while and I was getting extremely tired. I think Jim was too. After all we had a long, long day...or even, past few days. The two of us were sitting in a comfortable silence, I was beginning to slip in and out of consciousness, and eventually laid down on Jim's shoulder. I could feel him press closer to me, it wasn't intentional, he had fallen asleep. He looked really peaceful and content. My breath began to sync with his and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

(A/n) Soz if this got kinda sappy or if any of it seems out of character. I just get very caught up, I love, love. Lollll.

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