Chapter 6:

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Giovanni P.O.V

"You're up early." Dante comments, when I walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep." I say, and the look he gives me, tells me he couldn't, either. Seeing Emma in that state totally scared the crap out of us, and when Antonio told us about what they went through, we all saw red. Our sorellina (little sister) really is a little genius. She's extremely talented as well. Being fluent in eleven languages at the age of fourteen is really something. We hear crying from the monitor we keep in Sofie's room, and rush to her.

"Sofie? Honey, what's wrong?" Dante asks, picking her up, and pulling her into his lap.

"I th-thought you left me and I got scared. I thought Carter took Emmy." She says, wiping her tears from her face.

"She isn't used to sleeping alone." I whisper in Dante's ear. Realisation shows on his face, and he pulls Sofie closer.

"Hey, Sofie, don't cry. We were just in the kitchen. And I promise you, that you'll never have to worry about Carter again." I realise that Sofia instinctively refers to logic, and to her, this situation would mean that she's been abandoned.

"Sof, can I show you something?" She nods her head, and I point to the baby monitor. "This is a really cool machine, almost like a phone. So, if you wake up, then you just speak into here, and we can hear you." She looks at the monitor and smiles, like she just made a new friend.

"Thank you." She says shyly.

"You're welcome, bambina." I kiss her forehead.

"Let's get you showered, shall we?" Dante pipes up.

"Yes please!" She squeals. Emma has taught her good manners, and has overall done an exceptional job of raising her. Dante takes her to Sofie bathroom, and I head to the gym to blow off some steam from hearing that bastard's name. I wish I could bring him back just to kill him again. Just wait until we get our hands on the person that hurt her the most that one time.

After spending an hour in the gym, I took a shower, and was headed downstairs, when I saw Emma run out of her room, looking scared as hell. She probably wasn't looking at where she was going, and ran straight into me. She releases a loud cry of pain.

"Emma, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Sh-she's gone. She was here and I can't find Sofie in her room." She's freaking out, but before I can say anything, she sprints off, and I run after her.

All my brothers come out of their rooms after hearing her pain.

When I finally reach her, she's staring at Sofie with obvious relief in her eyes. Wrapping my arms around her, she cries into my chest.

"I though she was gone." She whispers.

"Emmy, I'm right here. Dante was about to make me bweakfast." Sofie says, frowning.

"Yeah, thanks Dante." Emma smiles softly, and I scoop her up in my arms, and place her on the couch, signalling for Dante to take Sofie out of the room.

"Emma, I'm going to check your injury, okay?" We all heard her cry of pain. Slowly lifting her top, I sigh when I see a huge bruise forming on her rib cage. "Oh, Tesoro." (sweetheart). I whisper.

"It's really alright. It's been like that for three weeks now. So, I give it about another week before it heals." I absolutely hate how she knows that.

"We're going to take you to a doctor, alright?" Enzo says, and she reluctantly agrees, before having two pain killers.

"Hey, sis, when did you get the abs?" Luca asks, to lighten the mood.

"I work out a lot, and I also had a self-defence course." She shrugs like it's the most common things in the world. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"We're just shocked, that's all."


"Well, we just didn't expect that. What else can you do?"

"Enzo! She's not some fancy toy," I roll my eyes at him.

"I can play the piano." She offers. "And I'm a pretty decent fighter."

"Please, nobody in this house is better than me." Luca scoffs, making Emma giggle.

"Um... Do you guys mind if I make everyone breakfast today?"

"You cook too?!" Enzo is in heaven, and I bet that if he could, he would keep her in his pocket 24/7.

"Well, I used to cook in our old neighbour's kitchen. She would teach me great recipes."

"I'll come help you. Just tell me what to do." Luca offers.

"Emma, promise me you won't let him near anything that we're eating." Dante begs, as he and Sofie enter. Emma giggles again, and Luca scowls at all of us.

About half an hour later, there are heaps of pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, crepes, and fruit.

"This is the best food I've ever eaten." I tell Emma honestly.

"Thank you," she mumbles and blushes.

"Antonio!" Sofie squeals, and jumps into his arms. After a second of hesitation, Emma gives him a hug as well. I guess the talk they had last night really helped.

"Emma, I would like to see you in my office after breakfast," Antonio say as he takes a seat. He notices her scared expression, and adds, "You're not in trouble."

After breakfast, we decide to watch a movie with Sofie.

"Sofie, would you like some popcorn?" I ask, as we enter the home theatre.

"Gio? What's coccorn?" She asks, trying to pronounce the word properly, but failing.

"You've never eaten popcorn?" I ask.

"Eat? No thank you, I'n so full." She rubs her belly, and we all laugh at her.

"Before I go and see Antonio, I just wanted to remind Sofie that it's eight o'clock." Emma says, poking her head though the door, and then leaving without another word.

"What happens at eight o'clock?" Enzo asks.

"Tra le otto e le nove parlo italiano." (between eight o'clock and nine o'clock, I speak italian.) she smiles, impressing us all.

"perché?" (why?) Luca asks.

"In modo che io possa impa-imparare." (so that I can learn.) She struggles with the last word, but manages. Once again, I am impressed with how well Emma did.

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