Chapter 15

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Two weeks later

Dante P.O.V.

"Everyone listen to meeee." Sofie says in a sing-song voice. She skips into the living room, and plops down on my lap.

"What's up, princess?" I ask, kissing her cheek, a gesture she returned. I've noticed, that whenever anyone gave Sofie a kiss, she immediately did the same.

"Two days then Emmy's birthday." She holds up two fingers, and we all sigh.

"I've been wondering what to get her for the last week." Gio sighs.

"Yeah, me too. Mine needs to be the best." We all scoff at that.

"Hey, actually, I have an I idea. What if we split up? That way, we can see which team wins." I suggest, and they all agree. Team Dante and Enzo, versus team Gio and Luca.

"Can I be team Sofia and Antonio?" Sofie asks, and I chuckle.

"You know, I think you should ask Antonio that, Tesoro." (sweetheart)

"Ask me what?" Antonio walks into where we're all sitting. We explain things to him, and he and Sofie are now a team as well.

"Okay, we need to know exactly what she wants." Enzo says, as soon as we're alone. We oh-so-casually walk to Emmalin's room and enter without knocking.

When we get inside, we see she has her headphones on, and she's singing a song I recognise as 'someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi. Her voice holds so much emotion, that I quickly swallow the lump in my throat.

"What are you guys doing?" She asks, taking off her headphones.

"Um, us? Oh, we just wanted to see what you were doing."

"Oh, well, I played a bunch of song chords on the piano at school, and now I can sing along to the recordings." I nod my head, and give Enzo a look.

"That's great, princess. We should go and... Check on Sofie." Enzo says, all but dragging me out of the room.

We know what we're getting our baby sister.

Giovanni P.O.V

"Okay, lets go." I say, turning the doorknob.

"Hey, sorellina." (little sister) Luca says, as we enter.

"Hey guys!" She turns to face us, and I see paint on her cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"Why is everyone coming into my room and asking what I'm doing?" She asks suspiciously. Luckily for us, Luca is a complete drama queen, and handles the situation with ease.

"Oh, I see how it is." He puts a hand on his chest with fake hurt. "Us, your loving brothers, who want nothing more than to see how you are, can't even do that. Alright, fine then. Let's go, Gio." He turns around and Emma bursts into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, okay. I'm painting the ocean."

"Ooh, can I see?"

"Sure." We both look over at her masterpiece, and gasp. It looks so beautiful. If I knew anything about art, I would probably analyse and shit, but I don't, so stick with a simple, "wow"

"Thanks" She mumbles, turning into an adorable shade of pink.

"Well, Gio, we need to go and finish our coffee." Luca says, and we leave Emma's room.

We know what we're getting our little sister.

Emmalin P.O.V

There's something very wrong with my brothers today. It's almost scary. They just came into my room, asked what I was doing, shared a secretive look, and left with some lame excuse. I sigh, and begin practicing my solo again. I haven't told any of my brothers what song I'll be singing, because I want it to be a surprise for them. I've worked extra hard on this song, because my teacher says the notes are extremely hard to hit, although I seem to hit them just fine.

I hear a knock on my door, and in steps Sofie.

"Hey little sis." I say, and she jumps on the bed with me.

"Emmy, I wanna dance." I look at her.

"Dance?" I cannot, for the life of me, dance. "Sof, I can't dance." I say, because my feet don't work very well with me, unless I'm fighting someone, or in the gym.

"We can learn on your phone." She shrugs.

"Um, okay, we could try..." I say, then get an idea. "Dante! Gio! Enzo! Luca!" I call out. Not even thirty seconds later, they burst into my room, searching for possible danger.

"What's wrong?" Behind all of them, Antonio rushes up to us holding... A gun? I jump in front of Sofie, and cover her eyes, sending a look to him. I don't want her seeing that thing. Well, she's seen worse, but she doesn't need to add on to that. Antonio looks down, as if only seeing the gun now, and gives a nod, before walking off, probably to go work again.

"Uh, so why did you call us?" Gio asks, avoiding the whole gun incident. I'll bring it up when my sister isn't here.

"Well, we're going to learn how to dance." They all give me looks that say 'yeah, not happening.' So, I quickly add, "Because Sofie really wants to." That makes them change their minds, and I choose the simplest video I can find. For the next hour, I watch as my brothers attempt to do the steps that the lady is explaining. It turns out to be a really heated contest as to who can get it right the fastest. In the midst of their bickering, I look at Sofie, and see that she's trying with everything in her to get it right, and she's doing really well. My baby sister might just have a talent in dancing.

I jolt up, with sweat dripping down my face. At least I didn't scream this time. I go into my bathroom and take a shower. Not caring about the fact that it's half-past-three in the morning. When I head back into my room, I decide to take out my laptop, and do some reading. I haven't read online in quite a while. To be honest, I'm secretly obsessed with werewolf books, and mafia books. Mainly the Italian mafia, considering I'm Italian. As I'm reading the story, I notice a couple of familiar things. Wait a minute, doesn't Antonio also... Hey, Dante does that... Gio does the exact thing... I couldn't believe the similarities to my brothers, the characters portray.

I quickly choose another story, and notice more similarities. After three more stories, I realise something.

My brothers are part of the Italian mafia.

Antonio P.O.V

I wake up when I hear soft knocks on bedroom door. Standing up, I'm shocked to find Emmalin on the other side of the door.

"Emmalin? Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No, I mean yes. I had a nightmare, but that isn't why I'm here." I tilt my head to the side, and watch as she takes a deep breath.

"When were you going to tell me you're part of the Italian mafia?" I freeze.

"Who told you something like that?" I question, trying to stall. The look she gives me, tells me she knows exactly what I'm doing. I sigh. "Come inside, Emmalin." She walks in, and sits on the edge of my bed, waiting for an explanation.

"Yes, we are part of the Italian mafia. Well, we lead the Italian mafia is more like it. we lead alongside the Donatello family."

"So, we're like... allies with them?" She asks, and I nod.

"Their family is led by Nicholas Donatello. He took over at the beginning of the year. He's only eighteen, but his parents passed away."

"Oh, that's so sad. Is he okay?" That's my Emmalin, only thinking about others.

"Yes, he's alright, Tesoro. How do you feel about everything I just told you?"

"Poor Nicholas." I gape at her.

"What about the other stuff?" She looks up, and shrugs.

"Everything kind of makes more sense now, I guess. I find it kinda cool, actually."

"Wait. So, you're not mad at us?"

"Well, I guess I'm upset that you didn't tell me, but I understand why you wouldn't tell me. I'm still young." I should have known that she would be o mature about the situation, she always is. "Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. You should get some sleep." She stands to leave, but I grab her wrist.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"I can't go back to sleep after a nightmare." Sighing, I tell her to sleep in my room. Within seconds, she was out like a light.

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