Chapter 12

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Emmalin P.O.V

"I love you Emmy." Sofie says, with her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, too, Sofie." I say. We leave the bathroom, and I head voices coming from down the hall. They were speaking Russian.

"Skazhi nashim lyudyam medlenno ukhodit'." (tell our men to leave slowly) I stop walking to listen.

"Kak dolgo u nas?" (how long do we have) a second voice asks.

"bomby byli razmeshcheny. u nas yest' sem' minut." (Bombs have been placed, we have seven minutes. The first voice answers, and I gasp. Surely, they don't mean here, right?

"khorosho, teper' vsya sem'ya vmeste, vse mogut umeret' srazu" (good, now the whole family is together, they can all die at once) Yup, they definitely mean here.

I hear footsteps, and run as fast as I can to my brothers.

I spot Antonio speaking with Matteo, and rush to him.

"Hey, is she okay now-" He sees my expression. "Emma, what's wrong?" I seem to be asked this question a lot, lately.

"!" I'm still catching my breath.

"Deep breath, Tesoro." Matteo says, and I finally catch my breath.

"Sofie saw the guy that I told you about that night. He's dressed as a waiter. I wanted to tell you..." Antonio cuts me off.

"Where is he!" He demands, looking ready to kill the guy.

"Antonio, can you please keep quiet, and listen to what I'm saying, dammit!" I say, and he looks shocked. Hell, I'm shocked. I've never snapped at any of them.

"When I came out, I heard voices. They were speaking in Russian. They said to get their men out, because they set bombs around the place, and now they're se to go off in ten minutes! Everyone needs to leave. Now!" Matteo and Antonio have a silent conversation, before Antonio says something to the entire room. Immediately, everyone starts running outside.

"Matteo, go get the girls outside, while I check the bathrooms. Hurry!" Matteo leads us outside, and we get stuck behind the crowd. Just a we get outside, I trip on my dress, and nearly fall. There are so many people here, that we lost Matteo in the crowd. Dammit! Just then, I hear a loud boom! Sofie looks scared, and I cover her eyes, so she doesn't see the explosion. Looking over everyone, I spot Antonio standing with Matteo. Thank goodness he's back on time. They signal for me to join them, and I try, but my stupid dress gets in the way. I let go of my sister's hand for a second, so I can rip the fabric until my knees. Once the fabric is off, I grab Sofie's hand, only to feel air. I turn around, and see the worst sight of my life. That man. The one who hurt me more than Carter, was holding a squirming Sofie in his hands, with his hand covering her mouth, and taking her back into the fire. No! Antonio and Matteo were trying their hardest to run through the crowds, but I knew they wouldn't make it on time. I did this. Now I had to save her.

Without another thought, I ran after her, ignoring my brothers' yells. "Sofie!" I screamed. There was fire all around me, but I wasn't registering it. I run straight to her.

"Oh, look who it is. The one I spent all my coke to get. How long did I get? Ten minutes?" I swallowed.

"Give me my sister." I say in an eerily calm voice.

"Are you crazy? No way in hell is that happening. I wonder if she's better than you were." That did it. As soon as the words let his disgusting mouth, something inside me snapped.

"Fine." My voice was robotic, and I felt like I was functioning on auto-pilot. Within a split second, I had confirmed that he had no weapon on him. I leapt over, and caught him off guard. I ripped Sofie off him, I would have to check her over later. That is, if I make it out of here alive. I knee him in the balls like I did with the other guy. I was extremely satisfied when he was about to fall over. This guy nearly hurt my sister, and for that, I hate him to no end. I punch him in the jaw before he falls, and stomp on him so hard, I doubt he will ever have children. I also step on his face. There was a satisfying crunch of his nose, and his lips, he ones that kissed me so forcefully, were now invisible due to all the blood. Quite frankly, in the end, I could barely make out his face.

I grab Sofia's hand, and rush to the entrance, because the building wasn't going to last much longer. I hear a faint groan, and turn to see someone lying on the floor, semi-conscious. I immediately saw his bracelet, telling me he was a Folliero. I couldn't leave him. If he stayed there any longer, he would die. I couldn't live the rest of my life knowing I left him there.

"Sof, we need to help that man." I say, walking towards him. she lets out a scream and I freeze. "Sofie, what is it?" She doesn't seem to be hurt.

"D-Dante." She chokes out. I look at the man on the floor, and it happens to be my brother... Dante.

"Dante, can you hear me?" I crouch down next to him, and see his eyes begin to droop shut. "No! Dante, I need you to stay awake for me, okay? We'll get out of here, I promise." I look at my baby sister.

"Sof, we need to get him out of here, so I need you to be brave for me, okay?" She nods. "I'm going to put him on my back, and I need you to take my hand as soon as I say so, okay?" She nods again.

"Dante, you need to try and help me out. You're going to lean on my back, and I'm going to drag you out." He mumbles something I can't understand. "I'm going to take that as a yes." I place his arms over my shoulders, and hold them together in front of my neck, and Sofie takes my other hand. It takes forever, but we finally make it outside. I thought my brothers would have come after me by now, but I can see what took them so long.

There are three Russian men blocking the entrance... holding guns. I sneak off to the side, and drop Dante on the ground, telling Sofie not to leave where she is no matter what. The Russian guys don't see me coming behind them, and I thank god that my brothers understand sign. I said that I will take out the two on the left, and they should go for the one on the right. After a moment of hesitation, Antonio gave a short nod. I easily took out the two guys, and when I was done, My brothers immediately ingulfed me in a hug. I saw that Antonio had tears in his eyes, and I kind of freaked out. He was supposed to be the one that is strong. I still haven't shed a single tear. I suddenly remembered everything around me, and ran o where I hid Sofie and Dante.

"Dante's hurt." I say on the way.

"Dante?! He was the one you brought out?" Gio asked, and nodded numbly.

I reach the spot, and Sofie is crying.

"Dante fell asleep, and he isn't waking up." She sobbed.


Authors note:

Woah! Okay, while writing that chapter, I could feel Emmalin's pain even though I haven't been through anything like that. I realised that a lot of people have, and just letting you guys know, that if you ever need to talk to a stranger, so you can dump all your problems on them, and not have to worry about any awkward encounters in the future, you know where to find me ;)

Also, did you guys know that voting and commenting are free? Yup, they are. So, why not try it out?

Anyway, you are all amazing!!!

-Diya <3

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