Chapter 7

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Emmalin P.O.V

I follow Antonio into his office, and wonder what this is about. He had said that I wasn't in any trouble, but I can't seem to think of any other reason. I sit down on the seat across from his, and wait for him to start.

"Emma, I would like for you to see a therapist. I know from the way Sofie handled last night, that the nightmares are a common occurrence. I really do feel that this would help you through this." He says, looking at me. He wants to help me?

"Will it really make a difference?" I ask. I tried to go to the school therapist once, but he only gave me a form to fill out, and it required a parent's signature, as well as a meeting.

"I believe it would." Antonio says, and I believe him. I hate my nightmares, and I've been trying to get rid of them forever.

"Alright." I say, and Antonio seems shocked that I would agree so quickly, but his famous blank face takes over in a split second.

"Perfect. Secondly, you are required to choose an extra-curricular activity for school. Here is a list." He hands me a piece of paper, and I read through it. The one that catches my eye, is choir.

"May I join choir?"

"Of course. It takes place just before Enzo's soccer practice, so you may watch his practice, and do you your homework." I actually love soccer. I'm glad that I'll be able to watch.

"Here is your lunch card. When you go to the cafeteria, you pay using this."

"Oh, thank you." He smiles slightly at me. Then he stands up and comes to the other side of the desk, holding a blue velvet box.

"Emmalin, you are a Folliero. This is our family symbol. Never take this bracelet off." He opens the box, and takes out a beautiful bracelet with a cursive 'f' written in calligraphy. "Can you see this small button? This is a panic button, so if you're ever in danger again, you press the button, and we will all be alerted. There is also GPS tracking on it, so we can get to you as soon as possible. Sofie will have one, too, but without the button, in case she accidentally presses it." He clasps the bracelet on, and I give him a hug which he returns.

"Okay, off you go now, the twins are taking you shopping."

"Thank you, Antonio. And... thanks for taking us in." his eyes soften.

"You're famiglia. We've spent enough time apart." (family) I grin, and leave his office. I'm really starting to warm up to these guys.

"Emmy, let's go!" Sofie grabs my arm, and drags me outside, where Enzo and Luca are waiting. I notice that she's already wearing her bracelet.

"Hey sis, you ready?" Luca asks, and I nod at him, still smiling. We walk into the garage, and I see at least twelve cars there. We walk to the one at the other end of the garage.

"2019 Genesis G70 3.3T Dynamic." I say, rubbing the hood of the car.

"How did you... You know what? I'm not even surprised anymore." Enzo says, chuckling.

Ten minutes later, we pull up at the mall, and get out. Luca carries Sofie, while I walk next to Enzo. Once we enter the mall, I notice how many people there are. Enzo links his fingers through mine, and gives me a reassuring smile, which I return with a grateful one.

"Okay, where do we start? Oh, let's start at Gucci!" Luca says, placing Sofie on his shoulders.

"Umm, okay." I say, because I have no idea what Gucci is, or what they sell.

An hour later, we walk out of a stationery store, where I got all of my school stuff and more. Most of the time, I kept my eyes on the ground, because if I showed the faintest interest in something, Enzo would put it in our cart without even checking the price. Luca took Sofie to the other part of the mall, where they have stores for smaller kids.

"I think we have everything we need." I say, when we step out of the store.

"Yeah, I guess so. But, um, do you need like... underwear and stuff?" He asks, not looking at me.

"Oh, yeah, I do actually." I reply, trying to hide my smile.

We walk to a store called "Victoria secret" and Enzo tells me there is no way he is going in there. I laugh at him, and tell him I'll be right out. Just as I was waiting for the stuff to be scanned, I notice a guy in a suit, standing a few feet away from me. I don't know why, but he gives off a bad vibe.

"Excuse me, but are customers allowed in that room?" He asks the cashier, with a thick Russian accent.

"What? No. I'll just go get them out, excuse me." She says, leaving. The man picks up his phone and speaks in Russian.

"Rod, YA nashel devushku, ubedis', chto ty skhvatil yeye sestru." (I've found the girl, make sure you grab her sister.) He probably didn't know I understand what he's saying, but I did. Enzo got me a new phone, but it's in one of the bags. My mind is running a mile a minute. All I know, is that Sofie is in danger. I need to warn them.

Just as I was about to run out of the store, the man grabs me, and I can feel a gun pressed to my side.

"If I were you, I wouldn't try anything stupid." He says into my ear. I nod, and his phone starts ringing. He searches his pockets for it, and I take the opportunity to lift my foot to his crotch, and elbow his ribs. He groans in pain, and his grip loosens on the gun. Out of nowhere, he takes out a knife, and cuts my arm. This time, I'm the one groaning in pain. I turn around, and squeeze his pressure point enough that he drops the gun, and I pick it up.

"Little girl, give it back to me." He warns, but I aim it at him, and he takes two steps back. I don't know how he's still standing. The self-defence course, said that they would be in pain, and probably too sore to stand, so I punch him in the nose for good measure. This seems to do the trick, because curls up into a ball on the floor of a ladies' underwear store. I don't want to move, in case he comes after me, so I press the emergency button on my bracelet. Literally ten seconds later, Enzo barges into the store, looking around frantically until he spots me.

The way we're positioned, Enzo can only see my body, and some of my arm, but he can't see the guy on the floor, or the gun in my hands.

"Emma? Honey, why did you push the panic button? And why are you shaking?" He takes slow, steady steps towards me, as if approaching an injured animal. "Talk to me, Emma." He says softly, but I don't take my eyes off the man in front of me. When Enzo reaches me, his eyes widen, and blocks my view of the man.

"Emmalin, sweetheart, I need you to give the gun. Can you do that for me?" I nod, and hand him the gun.

"Wait! You need to warn Luca! Their going after Sofie!" I say frantically. Enzo pulls me against his chest, and makes soothing noises.

"Don't worry, bambina, Luca and Sofie are already waiting for us in the car, let's go." I try to walk, I really do. But my legs feel too weak. Enzo notices this, and lifts me up effortlessly.

"Shit, Emma, you're bleeding!" Enzo says, and I nod.

"Yeah, I know." I mumble, still in too much shock to notice.

We enter the car, and Enzo climbs in the back, with me sitting on his lap. Luca doesn't ask any questions, just takes us home. I listen to Sofie talk about how much fun she had for a few minutes, before sleep takes over.

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