Author's Note:

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Alas! The time has come for the story to end :(

But Fear not! I will be writing, wait for it... A SEQUEL! (Happy dance)

I originally wanted this book to be longer, but decided to ended, because my inspiration wasn't quite there. I kept thinking about what would happen in the next book, while still writing this one.

So, yes, there will definitely be a sequel, but it will be set when Emmalin has just finished college, and Sofie is in high school.

Before you ask, yes, it will be a romance (maybe involving one Nicholas Donatello *wink wink*)

Anyway... I would like to thank everyone who voted and even just read my story, and a huge thank you to those who commented. You may not know this, but when people comment, I post faster, or when people vote.

Once again, thank you to all of you wonderful people out there... You are all amazing.

The name of the sequel will be... And now, there's us.

-Diya <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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