Chapter 18

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Emmalin P.O.V

After saying goodnight to Enzo and Sofie, I get to work. Grabbing a backpack, I put in a few knifes, rope, and duct tape inside. Why? I have no idea, but this is what they do in books. Unfortunately, I don't have any guns, but I need to get this done, and I can do quite a bit using a knife.

I make sure that everyone is asleep, before changing, grabbing a few snacks, and sneaking out. Once I've successfully left, I make my way downtown, to the abandoned warehouse I remember one of the members mentioning, right before the gunshots that night at the ball. I see lights inside, so I know they're here. The place is practically in the middle of nowhere. I can see why they chose to work from here. Nobody in their right mind would explore if they spotted this place. It was that creepy.

(This is the warehouse Emmalin goes to

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(This is the warehouse Emmalin goes to.)

"What are you doing here, little girl?" I man suddenly grabs me from behind.

"I need to speak with your leader." I say with all the confidence I can muster up. The man laughs. Not a slight chuckle, but a full-on belly laugh.

"You? Want to speak with the Russian mafia leader? Go home, silly girl." He says, shoving me towards the direction of the road. "Go to your mommy and daddy." His accent is thick, and my anger builds up. I swiftly punch his nose, and grab his hand that was reaching for a gun. I twist his arm behind him painfully, and hiss in his ear.

"My mommy and daddy are dead. My brothers are currently in hospital, because of your men." It's dark, so he can't see my face yet. "I am Emmalin Folliero, and I demand to speak with your leader. Now, you can take me to him, or I can go to him myself. your choice." Wow. Even I was scared after that little speech.

"Come with me." He leads me into the warehouse, now sporting a bleeding, probably broken nose. After passing a lot of curious stares, he takes me to an office at the back. The man knocks twice, before entering. Immediately, the leader's eyes widened.

"Thank you, Rod. You may leave." I noticed two people in the room.

"Miss Folliero." He seemed calm, but I could see the glint in his eyes. "My name is Vlad, and this is my second in command, Adam." He introduces. I nod my head once.

"Nice to meet you gentlemen. You clearly know who I am."

"Are you armed?" Adam asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Are you stupid? Of course, I'm armed. I may not know everything about you guys, but I'm not about to walk into the Russian mafia unarmed." He smirks, finding me amusing, but doesn't ask for my weapons. "Oh, and you didn't exactly look at your guy, Rod? But he kind of has a broken nose. My bad." I shrug. "You might want to get him a doctor, or something." I add.

"Do you have anyone else with you?" Vlad asks, completely ignoring my previous statement. Rude.

"No." I say, looking him dead in the eye.

"Good." Is his reply.

"I snuck out so we can talk." Adam takes a seat next to me, so he can hear better.

"My poslushayem, chto ona skazhet, a zatem ub'yem yeye." (We'll listen to what she has to say, then kill her.) Adam says, casually grabbing my backpack, and studying all my knives with interest.

I calmly take a sip of water from the glass sitting on the table.

"Teper', eto ne sposob lechit' gostya, ne tak li?" (Now, that's no way to treat a guest, now is it?) I say, raising an eyebrow. Both men's eyes widen.

"You speak Russian?" Vlad asks, and I nod.

"Of course, I do. I've spoken the language since I was eight." I look at Adam. "And you, I would like for you to actually listen to what I'm saying, and not just plan my execution, thank you very much." I look him over. "And while you're at it, tuck in your shirt properly." Vlad smirks, and Adam rolls his eyes.

"Yes mom," he mocks.

"Don't use that phrase so lightly. At least you have one." He's quiet after that.

"Why did you come here today, Emmalin?" Vlad asks.

"Listen very carefully, Vlad." I say, leaning forward. I read a body language book once, and I'm using all the tricks I've learnt.

"My mother and step-father were abusive towards my sister and I. The day they died, I got to experience what real love was, because I met my brothers, that I didn't even know existed." His expression doesn't waver in the least.

"So, imagine what I felt, when I heard the only people I love, were nearly killed in a fire? Imagine how I felt, when the best night of my life, where I won a competition for my solo, was ruined, all because they were shot. By your men, might I add. Get the picture? Now, imagine how I felt, when I realised it was all because of me." He still doesn't say anything. Wow, tough crowd.

"I came here tonight, because I can't see anyone else get hurt. Why do you want to kill me, Vlad? I'm here now. Tell me what you need from me." He doesn't get the chance to answer, before two of his men barge into the office, each holding the arm of a limp, beaten man.

"Boss, found him lurking around the entrance. He won't speak English either." One of them says. The beaten man begins speaking, in what I recognise as Polish.

"Głupi Rosjanie. Byłem tylko rozrywką. Nie wiedzą nawet o pozostałych pięciu, ani nie wiedzą, że za około cztery sekundy ich przywódca będzie miał kulę w głowie." (Stupid Russians. I was only a distraction. They don't even know about the other five, nor do they know that in about four seconds, their leader will have a bullet in his head.) Then, he laughs like a maniac. My eyes widen, and I lunge for Vlad. Thank goodness his chair is the type with wheels, so I'm able to push him out of the way. Just as I do, a gunshot sounds through the room, and I feel a sting on my leg.

"Please, leave my family alone." I whisper, before darkness consumes me.

Author's note:

Dun Dun Duuuuuun.

-Diya <3

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