Chapter 14

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Guys!!!! You need to listen to this song before reading the chapter. Only then will you understand the piano scene. You need to feel the emotion portrayed.

Five months later...

Emmalin P.O.V

"Girls, I would like your attention, please." Mrs Hart, our choir teacher says, and we all turn quiet.

Our school has been chosen to participate in a singing competition. We will be required to sing three songs. The first one with be performed by a group, in the second one, you will all get a solo, and for the last one, I am required to choose one of you for a complete solo. I want to see your natural abilities with singing, rather than your practised voice. This is why, since I haven't heard any of your individual voices, we will have the auditions now. If you know how to play any instruments, then feel free to use them. If you don't want to, then that's also fine. Why are you all standing there? Get to work, we start in ten minutes." We all scurry off, and I look at Leo standing by a nearby wall, with his arms crossed. After the fire, my brothers insisted that I have a bodyguard. Actually, they wanted me to have three, but I managed to move it down. The man never shows emotion.

Ten minutes later, Mrs Hart claps he hands, and explains how this is going to work.

"Now, you will all sing any song, and I will choose you based on whoever is the best. I need you to rearrange your transportation, because this will take longer than usual." I look at Leo, who gives me a curt nod. He is the one who takes me home if I have practice, so I don't need to wait for the twins' soccer practice to be over. I definitely love watch them play, it's just that Antonio isn't happy about me waiting in the cold.

"You will perform in the order that you are standing in." I look around, and see that I am the last person.

Everyone seems to know how to play an instrument, and the majority chooses the guitar. I never learned how to play, but it looks interesting. Every girl has a beautiful voice, and I'm really nervous about doing this. Oh well, I'm up now, so there's no going back.

I take a seat at the piano, and take a deep breath, I begin to play the introduction of 'quite miss home' by James Arthur. I've known this song for a while now, it speaks about missing home, and a person you love. For me, that person was my mom. Not the one who abused us, but the one I knew before Carter. The one who wasn't always high.

I'm in the kitchen while you smoke outside
You're careful not to let the smoke inside
I always tell you it's poison
But I know it helps you take the edge off the day

The first words always hit me hard.

I smell you cooking from the living room
And then I tell you that I love your food
I know it doesn't come easy
But you know it reminds me where I'm from

The familiar words hit closer to home than everyone here could know.

And I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy

My eyes are closed. I don't even need to look at the keys to play them smoothly, with my hands glide over the piano. With every note, I press harder, and sing with as much passion as I can muster up. I sing the words loudly, and powerfully. I have been told I have a very strong voice, that projects a whole lot of emotion.

Yeah, I quite miss home
'Cause it feels like poetry
When the rain falls down on the window
While you're in my arms
And we're watching the TV
Oh, I miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home, no
Oh, I quite miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home

I sing the last words softly, and finish playing the last note.

Once I'm finished, I notice everyone is quiet. Oh no, was I that bad, that I don't get a single clap? I take another deep breath, and quickly wipe away the tear that I didn't even notice slipped down my cheek while I singing.

Looking at my teacher, I see the tears on her face, as well. So does the rest of the choir, and if I'm not mistaken, I see a few tears in Leo's eyes.

"Emmalin, that was... Beautiful." She says, and suddenly, everyone is clapping for me. I see two figures clapping at the back of the room, as well. When I see them, I see two other teachers standing there.

"It really was. We heard from our classrooms, and we were mesmerised." The first teacher says, I notice he's the soccer coach. "Vivian, please tell me she's your choice for the solo." Mrs Hart nods her head.

"Yes, definitely. Emmalin, that truly was spectacular. Ladies, the event is a month, so we will word quite hard until then." I'm chosen? I'm the soloist? OMG! I need to tell my brothers.

"Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo!" I squeal, running to him.

"That was quite an impressive performance, Emmalin." He says with a nod, and slings my backpack over his shoulder.

"Aw, you just gave a compliment! Thanks, Leo." I smile a him, but once again, he simply nods.

I blabber on about the concert the entire way home, and each time I mention it, I get more excited.

I run straight to Dante, who is sitting on the couch with is phone.

"Sir, I would like to inform you about something that has happened today." I stop in my tracks, when Leo speaks to Antonio. My oldest brother raises an eyebrow at me, then leads Leo into his office.

"Ooh, what did you do?" Dante asks from the couch. Since the fire, we've bonded a lot, and although I will never admit it, he's my favourite brother.

"I didn't do anything! Did i? No. No, I did not." Dante chuckles.

"Ooh, guess what! I got chosen to sing the solo at some competition next month." I say, and Dante beams at me.

"That's my girl." He says, giving me a bear hug.

"What's going on?" The twins and Gio plop down on the other couches. I tell them all what happened, and they all beam at me.

"I'm innocent, I tell you!" I exclaim, as soon as Antonio walks in. He rolls his eyes.

"Emmalin, we weren't accusing you of anything."

"Oh." I say. Antonio switches on the TV, connecting it to his phone. Suddenly, on the TV... Is me.

"Aww, Leo took a video of me?" I feel like giving him a hug, but he's not here.

"Shh" All of them say at the same time, listening as I begin to play. They understand why I love this song, and Dante grabs my hand. I begin singing, and I watch everyone's expression.

They all have a mixture of pride, awe, wonder, and understanding on their faces.

"That was... mind blowing." Gio breathes. The rest of them nod in agreement.

"You're really talented, bambina." (baby)

I guess I'll be singing on stage for the first time in a month time.

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