Chapter 19

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Vlad P.O.V

"Please, leave my family alone." The child whispers, before her eyes fall closed.

My men are immediately in action, and I carry Emmalin to our clinic. The doctor raises an eyebrow, before noticing her leg.

"Place her on the table, and wait outside." He orders and I comply.

This little girl, who knew about me wanting her dead in order to weaken her family, left because she loved them so much. Not only that, but after know I want her dead, she still pushed me out of the way, taking the bullet herself. All for her family. Emmalin Folliero is the purest heart I've ever seen.

"We are done harming the Folliero family. Leave them alone completely." I order Adam, who nods. Sighing, I take out my phone, and call her brother, Giovanni. I know the oldest two are injured.

"What." He snaps as soon as he answers.

"It's Vlad." There is silence on the other end, and I know he's leaving the building, judging from the sound of cars.

"Where. Is. She." He growls.

"She came to us. Saying she couldn't see any of you hurt anymore. Your sister is an extraordinary little girl. Because of her, I am completely withdrawing any previous disagreements between our families."

"Where is she right now?"

"Here. I need you to come get her. I promise, this is not a trap. Your sister has been injured. I'll send you the location." I hang up before he can say anything else. I owe this little girl my life, and whatever she, or her family needs for here on, I will provide for them. I will forever be in her debt.

Giovanni P.O.V

He hangs up, and I rush back into the hospital, where Enzo is pacing the waiting room, and Sofie is asleep in Luca's arms.

"We need to go. Now."

"What? Did you find her? Where is she?" Enzo looks behind me, and I shake my head, pointing to Sofie.

"I'll ask aunt Ivy to watch her." As soon a we get in the car, I explain everything to the two of them.

"Could this be a trap?" Luca asks, and I shake my head.

"I'm pretty sure it was genuine. Whatever Emma did, has made him want to become allies with us. Now I just need to find out what. Call Nicholas, and tell him the situation." We pull up at the address, and Vlad is already waiting for us outside.

"Come inside, she should be up soon." He leads us to their clinic, and I gasp, seeing my sister with an IV in her arm, and her leg in a cast.

"What happened?" I growl at Vlad. He explains everything, and I have mixed emotions. I want to be angry at my sister for doing something so stupid, but I also want to hold her close, and never let go.

"I owe my life to this girl. Whatever your family needs, we will be happy to help." He says, looking at our sorellina (little sister) with so much adoration.

"We can't say anything about that. our oldest brother, Antonio makes those decisions, but Nicholas will be in contact while Antonio is injured." He nods his head in understanding, and Nick walks in.

"Hey. I heard hat happened." He looks at Emma with admiration on his face, mixed with concern.

"She should be up any second now." I say.

"I'm going to speak with Vlad. You guys stay here." I nod to Nick, and he leaves.

"Gio?" I rush to Emma's side as soon as she opens her eyes. "Where's Vlad? Is he okay? They were trying to kill him, and..." Her breathing picks up.

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