Chapter 10 | >§William?§< |

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"This man." Bill pointed at Alexander.

"Isn't human." Bill said and smirked. I looked at Alexander expecting some kind of explanation but it never came. Alexander was just looking at the ground. It was weird seeing him like this, he was always so confindent and almost never looked a bit sad (unless when his parents were mentioned).

"Um... What's going on here?" I asked.

"Huh? I thought he wanted to say it himself but i guess i can do the honor." Bill shrugged and Alexander suddenly looked up.

"No! I will tell him" Alexander said and looked at me. "So um... I was an unusual kid... I was born with... Weird things and-" Alexander was cut out by Bill who was now eating popcorn.

"Get on with it already!" Bill said impatiently.

"Okay okay, so the thing is... No i am not human... I am a... dragon?" Alexander sounded like he was questioning himself.

"And on top of that you have a human form! I haven't seen those kind in a while." Bill said and snapped his popcorn away. Didn't i tell him not to use magic??

"Wait there is more of me!?" Alexander asked and Bill nodded.

"Well there was. I am not sure if there is any left." Bill finished and Alexander looked down again.

"Hold up, so you can turn into a dragon?" I looked at Alexander and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well Not quite. I get a dragon tail, wings and i can blow fire. I sometimes also get dragon skin. And i have some super powers like being invisible, super strength, a lie detector and i can also see through walls and stuff" That could come in handy...

"Can you control when you transform?" I asked. I should write all this in my notebook.

"Yes and no. I can control it now but i need to be in my dragon form at least once in two weeks. Or else i transform without my own will. That's also why i was urging you to the bathroom this morning... Sorry 'bout that" Alexander rubbed the back of his head again. Note to self: Alexander rubbes the back of his head when uncomfortable.

I blushed at the thought of the bathroom incident.

"Dipper! Dinner is ready soon!" I heard Ford yell.

"We don't have much time. Bill, there is a key to your cage which we can use to get you out of here, until we do please keep up with resting and don't use your powers." I said and was about to go when Bill grabbed me.

"Pinetree..." Bill said and pulled me closer to him. I started blushing. "Please... Come again tomorrow, okay?" Bill held his pinky out of the cage. I smiled and interviewed our pinkies. "Okay." I said and me and Alexander headed out.

"What was that?" Alexander asked.


"That. Are you guys in elementary school or something?" Alexander laughed and i blushed.

"Nah nah, i am kidding. It was cute but it looked like some kind of romantic moment and i felt like the third wheel." Alexander chuckled and i stayed silent.

"Wait. Was it a romantic moment??" Alexander looked at me with wide eyes and i immediately shook my head. It wasn't because i was ashamed of Bill and i's relationship it's just... My parents are homophobic (or maybe they are not but they are just... Dipper-phobic bc no matter what i do they hate it) and i have just gotten used to lying about it. And i get super uncomfortable when talking about my sexuality.

After that we ate and Alexander and i went to my room that was now ours and went to sleep. The next morning i woke up early. Not because i wanted to but because normally my parents wake me up at 8:00 so you can call it a habit (or more like a fear that if i don't wake up when i need to i will get dragged down the stairs).

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