Chapter 11

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The lead ship sails toward the Water Tribe, under the command of Admiral Zhao and Iroh.

"This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh" Zhao says "Just think, centuries from now, people will study the great Admiral Zhao, who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. You're lucky you're here to see it"

"Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects" Iroh lectures

"I suppose you speak from experience, but rest assured. This will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se" Zhao walks forward

"I hope not, for your sake" Iroh says

"Tell the captains to prepare for first strike" Zhao comands

Iroh walks away. He goes to the interior of the ship and confronts Zuko who is still disguised as a Fire Nation soldier. Zuko is forced to wear the disguise to keep the secret from Zhao that he survived an attempted assassination.

"We'll be landing soon. Do you have a plan?" Iroh asks

Zuko removes the face covering to reveal his face covered in cuts "I'm working on it, Uncle" he puts the covering back in place when he hears the door open

"Uncle Iroh!"

Zuko's eyes widen hearing Kira's voice

"What's wrong?" Iroh asks hearing the panic in her voice

"Zhao just told me that he's going to ask the fire lord to grant him me as his concubine instead of Zuko's since he's dead" Kira hugged Iroh "I don't want to return to the fire nation, I miss Zuko"

"It's ok there there" Iroh comforted her

Kira went from sad to angry "how dare Zhao want me, the concubine of a prince, to be his concubine after my prince's death, that man has no-"

"calm down, we cannot raise the dead" Iroh led her away "now let's go drink some tea, it'll help calm you down"

After they were gone, Zuko made his hand into a fist and punched the wall in anger, he was going to teach Zhao a lesson, but first he had to catch the avatar. Zuko knew his Uncle Iroh would protect Kira for now and he was sure she could protect herself as well.


"It's almost twilight, Admiral. As your military consultant, I must advise you to halt your attack"  Iroh tells Zhao

"The waterbenders draw their power from the moon, and it is nearly full tonight. You should wait and resume the attack at daybreak" Kira adds

"Oh, I'm well aware of the moon problem and I am working on a solution. But for now, daybreak it is" Zhao agrees

The lead ship drops its anchor, followed by the rest of the ships, who drop their anchors and cease the attack.

"I don't feel safe sleeping on the ship" Kira whispers to Iroh

"I will guard your door, do not worry" Iroh whispers back to her "you can sleep easy"


In the morning the fire nation resumes their attack. And they soon breach part of the wall.

"Change to your fighting clothes" Zhao commands Kira

"why?" she questions

"I'm putting you out on the battle field" Zhao tells her

"you don't have to tell me twice" Kira said running to her room to change

"Why put her out to fight?" Iroh asks

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें