Chapter 28

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The moon can be seen gradually moving in front of the sun. The Fire Nation armies try to shoot the Earth Kingdom tanks, but they are too powerful. Earth Kingdom soldiers run about and fire boulders to counterattack the Fire Nation. A few earthbenders emerge briefly from within the Earth Kingdom tanks and hurl boulders toward the enemy. 

One soldier commanding catapults to launch smoldering boulders. Several fireballs are launched into the air. One lands forcefully near Sokka and a few troops who are huddled together behind a stationery Earth Kingdom tank, studying a map lying on the ground. Sokka cringes at the sound of the explosion. Katara runs over with Hakoda, Sokka smiles at this sight.

 Aang rides in on his glider, dodging several fireballs. He lands in front of the group.

Kira stares at him from on top of the volcano "...he's still alive"


Kira hides when she sees Aang, Toph, and Sokka flying on Appa to the top of the Volcano. Appa lands on the side as the others jump off. Toph earthbends a hole in the volcano, blowing up a cloud of dust. Sokka follows her into the tunnel along with Aang.

Kira comes out of hiding and closes up the hole "have fun Azula" Kira looks up at the sun "won't be long now"


The moon is nearly blocking out the entire sun. The army marching onward as the eclipse is beginning. The mechanist appears near the troops and addresses the troops. The warriors stop, prop their weapons into the ground and put on their eclipse glasses. Katara and Hakoda, wearing eclipse glasses, turn to watch the eclipse. The eclipse have officially begun.

Bato reaches the rim of the volcano, followed by the rest of the army.

"Surround the periphery!" Bato raises his spear "We have to secure the palace by the time the eclipse is over! Otherwise, we'll be in for the fight of our lives"

Troops from the invasion force incur several Fire Nation soldiers.

"Stop! Surrender peacefully and we won't harm you" Bato says

"We'll never surrender!" the soldier makes frenzied motions and tries to firebend, but cannot "..Okay, we surrender" Fire Nation soldiers back down

Hakoda approaches the rim of the volcano, leaning on his daughter's shoulders.

Hakoda looks happy "There it is: the Fire Nation Royal Palace. We've come so far"

"It's not over yet" Katara says

"that it's not"

A giant bolder is shot at the troops

"Look out!" Katara shouts

The bolder is quickly stopped by earth benders. Katara looks up to see Kira. Kira raises several rocks.

"She- She can earth bend!" Katara shouts

"Princess Kira!" the fire nation solders shout happily

Kira jumps down in front of the solders

"Do you really think you can take us all on?" Hakoda questions

Kira takes a fighting stance "Yeah I know I can"

A water bender shoots a stream of water at her, Kira water bends the water around her then back at them hitting the water bender.

"She can water bend too!" Katara shouts

Kira bends up boulders "come on guys, let's play!"


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