Chapter 25

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Zuko is asleep in his bed at the castle with Kira. The sounds of footsteps wake him up, and he rushes to the hall to investigate. He opens the door, and sees a cloaked individual walk down the hall and disappear. Zuko begins to go after the individual, but notices a scroll lying on the floor. A surprised Zuko picks up the scroll and reads it.

 "You need to know the story of your great-grandfather's demise. It will reveal your own destiny" Zuko closes the scroll, and stares down the hallway

Kira whines and sits up rubbing her eyes "Zuko? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Zuko turns around and hides the scroll behind his back "go back to sleep"

Kira stares at him worridly "Zuko-"

"please Kira" Zuko says "go to sleep"

Kira sighs and lays back down "just know whatever it is, I'm here for you" she closes her eyes and drifts back asleep.

Zuko walks over to the bed and stares at her sleeping figure "...I know"


Zuko stands before one of the paintings of previous Fire Lords. 

Azula passes by Zuko "It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko. Make sure he gets your good side" 

Zuko looks at her "Wait, I need to ask you something" Azula stops walking and looks at him "What do you remember about our great-grandfather's history?"

Azula sighs "Oh, Zuko, it's so strange how your mind works. Fire Lord Sozin began the war, of course. He spent his early years secretly preparing for it. He was as patient as he was clever. He famously waited for the comet, later renamed Sozin's Comet, and used its power to launch his full-scale invasion of the world. In the end, he died a very old and successful man"

"But how did he die?" Zuko asks

"Didn't you pay any attention in school, Zuko? He died peacefully, in his sleep" Azula walks away "He was ancient"

Zuko stares, frustrated.


Zuko is in his room, lying on his back on his bed. He rolls over on his side and stares at the scroll. He picks it up and reads it to himself again.

"What does it mean?" Zuko questions

Annoyed, he tosses the scroll aside, as it lands on a lantern. The light from the lantern shines through the parchment, and it reveals a secret message on the scroll.

"Is something wrong husband?" Kira asks walking in

Zuko gasps and grabs the scroll from atop the lantern, and reads the secret message: The Fire Sages keep the secret history in the Dragonbone Catacombs

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Zuko gasps and grabs the scroll from atop the lantern, and reads the secret message: The Fire Sages keep the secret history in the Dragonbone Catacombs.


Zuko looks up at Kira "I-"

"No excuses" Kira walks over to him "I want the truth"

Zuko looks down at the scroll and sighs. He hands the scroll over to her and she reads it.

"Zuko this-"

"I know" He says and looks at her "but I want to know"

"then I'm coming with you" Kira smiles "I'm your wife, I'm with you till the end"

Zuko smiles "good"


They arrive at a dark temple. A Fire Sage walks through a courtyard, and stops over a large medallion fashioned in the shape of a flower in the middle of the courtyard. He crouches low, and delivers a blast of fire into the center of the medallion. It begins to open a hidden passage, under the courtyard of the temple. The Sage goes into the passage through the steps. 

Kira and Zuko hide and wait behind a pillar. When no one is around, Zuko goes to the secret passage, and bends a blast of fire into the medallion. The passage opens, and a spiral staircase is revealed along with a very large secret chamber. Zuko and Kira travel through the chamber and down a hall lined with bones of dragons, all lined up along the walls of the hall. 

They come to an ornate door with a metal sculpture of Fire Lord Sozin on it. The chest of the sculpture has a Fire Nation emblem. Kira places her left hand over the emblem, and bends a fire blast. The fire fills the door, and comes out from the statue's eyes, nose and mouth. The room opens.

They enter the room and raise a lantern to look around the dark chamber, and they see that the room is filled with artifacts and various vessels. A large statue of a dragon sits in the middle of the room. Under the dragon's head, they find Fire Lord Sozin's history.

Zuko takes it and reads aloud "The final testimony of Fire Lord Sozin. As I feel my own life dimming, I can't help but think of a time when everything was so much brighter. I remember my friend..."


Zuko finished reading

"That can't be it! Where's the rest of it?" Zuko searches the scroll to find more information

"Zuko that's it" Kira says searching the shelves

Zuko puts the scroll down and stands up. He walks out of the room with Kira following quickly. They arrive at the Fire Nation prison, where Iroh is imprisoned. Zuko slams the door to the cell behind him as he enters with Kira. Iroh is sitting with his head down.

Zuko was angry "You sent this, didn't you? I found the secret history, which by the way should be renamed history most people already know! The note said that I needed to know about my great-grandfather's death, but he was still alive in the end"

Iroh looks up at Zuko "No, he wasn't"

Kira stares at Iroh "do you mean..."

Iroh nods and looks at Zuko "You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. Sozin was your father's grandfather, but your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku"

"Why are you telling me this?" Zuko asks shocked

"Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself" Iroh replies, Zuko sits down with his head facing down "Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy. But, there is a bright side" Zuko looks up at Iroh "What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world"

Iroh removes a brick and reaches for something. Iroh takes out a bundle and slowly unwraps the bundle, revealing the once-lost headdress, while he walks toward Zuko.

"This is a royal artifact. It's supposed to be worn" Iroh looks at him and Zuko stands "by the Crown Prince"

Zuko takes the headdress from Iroh's hand, and holds the artifact. Iroh stands quietly, looking at his nephew

"Now that you are a married man you are the crown prince" Iroh says, he turns to Kira and smiles "take good care of him"

Kira looks down "yes.. uncle"

Iroh looks serious "Kira.. being named as evil doesn't make you evil. It is your power, you decide what you do with it"

Kira stares at him and nods "...I know"

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