Chapter 13

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Zuko and Iroh are now living as fugitives while Kira's status was changed to missing/kidnapped. Iroh gasps and stares in awe at a red and white flower.

Zuko emerges from the bushes, now sporting short, black hair "I didn't find anything to eat! I can't live like this! I wasn't meant to be a fugitive" he raises his fists in the air and yells at the sky "This is impossible!" he looks over at Iroh "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"You're looking at the rare white dragon bush. Its leaves make a tea so delicious, it's heartbreaking. That, or it's the white jade, which is poisonous" Iroh replies

"We need food, not tea" Zuko sighs

Kira emerges from another direction of bushes

"I couldn't find anything to eat" she tells them

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"I couldn't find anything to eat" she tells them

"Alright" Zuko faces her "...what are you wearing! I can see your bra and it's fire nation colors!"

"well excuse me for only having only one colored bra!" Kira shouted "you gave these clothes to me and told me I couldn't wear my fire nation dresses!"

Zuko covered his now red face

"prince Zuko is just embarrassed" Iroh chuckles 

"I'm going finishing" Zuko tells them before walking off

"Hmm... delectable tea?" Iroh thought out loud "Or deadly poison?"

"Don't do it" Kira says

"hm..." Iroh thinks "i'm going to do it"

"don't do it" Kira repeats

"I'm definitely gonna do it" Iroh reaches for the plant

"oh god" Kira covered her face


Zuko arrived back from his fishing expedition. He only managed to spear a single, tiny fish which flaps about helplessly on the large branch he used for a fishing pole. He sees Iroh hunched over and Kira yelling at him.

"what happened?" Zuko asks

"Zuko... remember that plant I thought might be tea?" Iroh questions

Zuko covered his face "you didn't"

"I did..." Iroh turns around "and it wasn't"  he's swollen and covered in red marks.

"I told him not to" Kira defended herself

"When the rash spreads to my throat, I will stop breathing" Iroh turns excited "But look what I found" he holds out his arm to reveal berries "These are bacui berries, known to cure the poison of the white jade... that, or maka'ole berries that cause blindness"

Zuko grabs the branch of berries and hurls it into the bushes "We're not taking any more chances with these plants! We need to get help"

"But where are we going to go?" Iroh kneels down and scratching his rash vigorously "We're enemies of the Earth Kingdom and fugitives from the Fire Nation"

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now