Part 15

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So guys confused with the previous part. No worries today you will love this update.

So lets start

After one year

Fab5, Navni and Zubin were sitting together yes you all heard right together!

Alya - Guys I am so excited for this trip. Finally we are going somewhere that too our college is hosting this for us.

Navya - Ha ha, after many days we will all enjoy together hai na Nandu

Nandini didn't say a word

Zubin - Yes my first trip after joining college with my girl. (Zubin winked at Mukti)

Mukti smiled.

Yes, Mukti and Zubin were together. He finally managed to create his own space for himself in her heart but that doesn't mean Abhimanyu was not. Mukti loved Abhimanyu and will continue to do so and Zubin didn't have any problem with it. This was the thing which impressed Mukti.

Alya - Wow Zubin! So much excitment.

Cabir - Zubin don't be so much excited. You never know Mukti might spoil all your plans.

Mukti - Shut up Cabir.

Nandini - Sorry guys but I can't come.

Navya - Nandu!

Cabir- What happened to you? You should be there.

Nandini - Cabir I have some work.

Mukti - Ha then do it before going to trip.

Alya - Exactly, you can't deny like this NANDU.

Nandini - I can't co.....

Manik - Guys leave it. If she is not interested then don't force her. Afterall she never listens to anyone.  She will do what she wants.

Nandini - Manik will you stop taunting me always for every single topic.

Manik ignored her. Nandini felt very bad with his behaviour. She got up taking her bag.

Nandini- Bye guys.

Nandini stormed out from there.

Navya- Nandu

Saying this Navya too followed her

Alya - Manik not fair. Why did you make her sad?

Manik - I don't care.

Mukti - Instead of insisting her to join for trip you are taunting her. For gods sake you love her

Manik(angry) - She has called for it. She told me 'Manik lets have a breakup' Now I can't be normal her. She has to face my worst side. She can't always take my love for granted.

Cabir - Manik seriously! You know right Nandini must have a reason. She loves you as much as you love her.

Manik - When did I deny that but she should also understand that she has not taken the stand to make everything right and sacrifice her love. She always stakes our love and I am not Okay with this.

Manik angrily stormed out from there.

In college garden

Nandini was silently sitting on one bench and silent tears were flowing from her eyes. Navya came from back

Navya (keeping hand on her shoulder) - Nandu

Nandini on seeing Navya hugged her and started crying

Nandini (crying vigorously) - I can't handle Manik's bitter behaviour Navya. Its hurts me a lot. I can't

Navya - Then tell him everything. He will understand.

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