20 | golden hour

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When Grayson's car pulls up in front of my house at exactly 3 pm, I rush outside and slam the door shut loudly. Tugging a large duffel bag behind me, I walk quickly to the passenger side and slide in. I throw the bag into the back and lean back against the seat. My mouth is pressed into a thin line and I just want him to drive.

Grayson gives me a long, thoughtful look before saying anything. He glances as at my duffel bag, stuffed fat with clothes. "You do know we're only staying one night, not two weeks, right? Did you pack an outfit for every hour we'll be gone?"

After what I went through earlier with my parents, I'm not really in the mood for jokes. I stare out the window as he pulls out of my neighborhood.

Grayson breathes deeply and takes one hand off the steering wheel, placing it softly on my hand. He moves his thumb over the top of my hand gently and gives me a look. His dark eyes beg me to tell him what's wrong. I give him a long look. "It's just my parents."

He doesn't say anything, just holds my hand a little tighter, urging me to go on. I do. "I had to lie and tell them I was going to Violet's tonight for a sleepover. I thought they'd just let me go but they just blew up, going on about how I don't care about the family. My mom called me selfish, said I wasn't going anywhere in life doing what I'm doing and I just..."

My voice breaks and I take my hand from his, using it to wipe my eyes aggressively. I hate that I'm crying over this.

"I just don't know, Grayson. It's like every time that I feel the slightest bit happy, something goes wrong and that happiness is stolen from me." I sniff. "It's like the universe is telling me that I don't deserve to be happy at all and I'm honestly starting to believe it."

"Hey," he says, with a sternness to his voice. "That's not true and we both know that. If there's anyone in this world that deserves happiness, it's you, Riv. And you can't help that your parents can't pull their own heads out of their asses."

I croak out a pathetic laugh, smiling through blurry eyes. My hand finds his again and I lace our fingers together, finding comfort in the way his skin feels against mine.

I'm desperate to change the subject. "Now tell me something. Something about you. And it better be good."

I shake his hand, urging him to give something up. He stares ahead as we get on the highway.

"Do you remember the first time we met? My black eye?" He asks.

I don't mention how that wasn't the first time we met. "Of course. It gave you a sort of bad boy look."

He smiles slightly at my joke but keeps a serious face. "I got that in a fight."

I don't say anything, worried I might deter him from sharing.

"After I dropped Gracie off at practice, I went to pick up my prize for winning a race the week before," he continues. "But one of the guys I beat showed up and started talking shit."

"What'd he say?"

"Stupid shit. Like how I cheat and that's the only reason I've won my past five races. He knew what he was doing and I don't feel bad for how I reacted. He had it coming," he finishes. He leaves me to fill in the blanks: fight ensued, Grayson did some damage, other guy got one good punch on Grayson, creating his black eye.

Grayson looks at me questioningly, as if expecting me to tell him off or voice my fear of him. But I don't feel any different toward him. If anything, I feel closer to him now that he's allowed me into his mind. I rub my thumb over his, letting him know this.

"Five straight wins," I point out. "You must be pretty good then."

I feel tension leave his body. He grins. "Actually, six straight wins now, if we're counting the one you sneaked into."

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