37 | in my space

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I run through my room, throwing clothes into my closet and shoving things into drawers. I look at my clock. 4:21. Gray will be here in nine minutes and I feel like I just had nine shots of espresso.

We haven't really seen each other since this past weekend, which was four days ago. At soccer practice, I've seen glimpses of him as he drops Gracie off, but he always gets there right as I have to start drills. It was hell having to see him on Monday and Wednesday, remembering what we'd done on Saturday night, only to share knowing looks before he leaves.

I feel like I'm getting blue-balled everytime.

Excited to finally see him, I rifle through my closet. I change out of my school clothes and into a large t-shirt. Just in case, I slide out of my granny panties and into a new pair of cheeky lace underwear. I apply chapstick and fluff my hair in the bathroom.

My phone buzzes with a text. It's a selfie from Peyton of her, Sadie, and Gracie at the park. Gracie looks absolutely ecstatic, and I see a faint brown blue in the background which must be Chewie going apeshit on the open field. I send back a heart-eyes emoji and save the adorable picture to my camera roll.

Then I check myself out in the mirror, wondering if my butt is larger than average, when the doorbell rings. As if I hadn't heard the doorbell, three solid knocks follow. Fuck, he's early.

I rush out of my room and down the stairs, jumping out of my skin to see him. It's only after I fling open the door that I realize that, in my hurry, I forgot to put on pants. Gray raises his eyebrow at me, and I'm afraid that he's already noticed.

"Tiny Fish Adventures?" He says, gesturing toward the words written across the chest of my oversized t-shirt. I look down, already red in the face. Relieved, I reply, "Oh, it was a camp I went to when I was younger. My parents shipped me off there when they didn't want me around for the summer, but I ended up having some of the best months of my life."

"I bet Tiny Fish River was adorable," he teases. He places his hand on my face and leans down.

"Tiny Fish River was my peak. She could tie a pretty awesome knot," I say, standing on my tip-toes and meeting his lips with mine. I almost melt right then and there.

Then I grab his hand and pull him through the door, not wanting my neighbors to see something and report back to my parents. I lead him up to my bedroom, realizing that I didn't formulate a plan for this time together.

Gray sits on my bed, looking around my room. I lean against my desk, taking in his expression. "You know, it was only a year ago that I took down my Justin Bieber posters," I say, smiling at him.

"I wish you'd put them back up for me. I'm surprised you didn't have a pillow with his face printed on it."

I cross my arms. "Eh, I got rid of that pillow a week ago," I joke. I pause. "I have other things to keep me warm at night now."

His humorous smirk disappears, replaced by the same primal look that I'd seen on Saturday night. I uncross my arms, opening myself to him, and he clenches his jaw.

"Come here," he demands. I oblige, walking to him and standing between his legs. I look down at him as he twirls a lock of my hair slowly around his finger.

Then with both hands, he moves down my body, tracing every curve and leaving warmth in his midst. His hands smooth over my hips and stop at the hem of my shirt. Grabbing the material, he lifts it up slightly to reveal only my thin underwear. I guess he suspected I wasn't wearing pants as he followed me up the stairs. I may or may not have done that on purpose.

His eyes linger. "Fuck, River," he says, moving his hands under and onto my bare hips. I ignite under his hands and wrap my arms around his neck, wanting our bodies to be as close as possible.

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