54 | beg for it

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"For without pain, there can be no pleasure.
Without sadness, there can be no happiness."
- Harlan Ellison

X X X for all you kinky readers X X X

author's note

lol if y'all could comment on the smut just so I know if y'all like it, I'd greatly appreciate it :)

I'm on him in less than a second. Climbing over the center console, I move on top of him with my legs on both sides of his lap. His hands grasp my hips and he pulls me over effortlessly, holding our bodies firmly together. I press my lips, still cold from the rain, against him, sliding my tongue across his and tasting every inch of his mouth.

In this position, it's hard to tell where my body end and his begins. We're impossible close, and I feel every hard inch of him pressing against my wet skin. I'm drenched in more ways than one, and Gray's strong hands on my hips force me to notice his stiffness pressing against me. That pressure alone, in the area where I ache the most, almost unravels me right.

Gray's hands knot their way into my hair firmly, grasping just tight enough to sting. He leans forward so his lips are on the sensitive skin of my neck, kissing and nipping softly. I moan into his neck.

Then he pulls me back, gazing at me with heavy eyes. Looking at him in this state, coming undone by my doing, fuels the fire between my legs.

The love in his eyes melts me. "Riv, let me show you how much I love you," he says with a raspy, low voice. I place my palm on his cheek and kiss him softly, lingering before I pull away.

Then I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder, kissing him there too. "You have all the time in the world to show me how much you love me," I whisper. "But right now . . . "

I kiss my way up to his ear, nipping at it lightly.

". . . I want you to fuck me," I whisper.

Then I draw back, watching as his whole expression changes. If he had any restraints before, they're gone, and all I see are dark grey eyes waiting to devour me. I gaze at him with the same intensity, daring him to do exactly what he wants to do with me.

With quick hands, he grasps the hem of my shirt and pulls it swiftly over my head. I fall back into him, letting him dot every inch of my skin with hungry kisses. His hands roam up and down my bare skin, his fingertips inching under my bra teasingly.

Then with nimble fingers, he presses me against him and moves his hands to my back, unclasping my bra. I quickly shrug it off and throw the damp piece of clothing in the back seat. We kiss again, hot and heavy.

I don't pay attention to Gray's demanding hands taking off the rest of our clothing. It's only until there's nothing separating our bare bodies that I try to get things moving. I let out a moan as Gray caresses my naked breasts, teasing my nipples, hardened from both the cold and my arousal. I arch my head back when his mouth closes over one of them, and his fingers dig into my lower back, holding me to him.

His movements are so different from the first time we made love. They're harsher, demanding me to submit to his every whim. I'm unraveling in his arms, and he's the only thing holding me together.

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