33 | red dress

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The field erupts in cheers as Gracie kicks the ball into the net, sliding it past the other team's poor goalie solidifying the team's second win. My throat is sore from cheering this whole game, but I keep yelling, encouraging my team even during these last few minutes. Gracie shoots me a cute grin, and my heart does a flip.

The whistle blows, signaling the end of the game and my team's win, and warm arms are suddenly around my shoulders, pulling me in from behind. I lean into the hard chest behind me, already knowing who it is.

Gray kisses my hair. "Good job, babe," he says in my ear.

"You know I wasn't the one playing, right?" I tease. "You should be congratulating the real MVP over there."

I nod toward where Gracie is standing in a crowd of her friends, laughing and talking with them. But even in the energetic swarm of kids, Gracie seems to be paying particularly close attention to one kid - Liam. The way they're playfully joking around with each other is adorable.

"Why is he standing so close to Gracie?" He asks, noticing the Gracie-Liam interaction as well. "Maybe I should go over there and beat his ass."

I laugh. "It may be a little early for the boy talk. Liam's like eight. He doesn't look like your usual target. He might be too strong to take shit from you."

"I could take him," he says, jokingly serious. Even though he'd never actually beat a child up, I have no doubt that Gray is actually concerned about Gracie having a little crush.

I pat his arm. "I'm sure you could, babe."

Then someone clears their throat next to us, bringing Gray and I out of our conversational bubble. My head snaps in that direction, and I'm hardly surprised by who I see.

"Well aren't you two just adorable," Violet says sweetly, a slightly disgusted look on her face. "Maybe you two should take the baby-making behind the bleachers. Or at least do it under a towel, like a normal couple."

I turn to Violet, moving beside Gray so only one of his arms is draped around my shoulders. "What's up your ass?"

"Nothing, unfortunately," Violet sighs, examining her cobalt blue nails. Something is definitely up with her. She walks closer to us and sighs even louder. "When I'm a lonely old woman, will you let me live with you? I'll be like your guys' pet. I'll wear a leash and everything, and it won't even be sexual. Unless you want it to be."

Gray chuckles uncomfortably and I examine Violet's face. "Are you okay?"

"Are any of us ever okay?" She asks, looking up to the sky, suddenly all wistful and philosophical. I roll my eyes at her, knowing I won't get anywhere. Luckily, that's exactly when Peyton walks up, finished with her own game a few fields over. She glares at Violet, who obviously did something to piss her off.

Peyton folds her arms, joining our little circle. "What the fuck, Vi? Our kids had ten minutes left in their game and you just leave. Are you insane?"

"I don't know, Pey. Maybe ask your little girlfriend, who was giving you bedroom eyes the entire game," Violet whisper-shouts. As if on cue, Sadie calls Peyton's name, already walking toward where we're standing. Violet groans, exasperated. "Everyone is just rubbing their relationships in my face. Grayson is here. Sadie is here. Why don't we just go ahead and invite Mr. Dillard's ex-wife?!"

Peyton sighs. "Vi...what?" But Violet is already picking up her bag from the ground and turning to leave, clearly agitated. When she's gone, the three of us turn to each other, unsure of what just happened. At that exact moment, Sadie reaches us and slows to a stop, sensing some tension.

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