36 | coming clean

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I lay on my horn as Peyton yells out my window, "Violet! Get your lazy ass out here!"

We've been sitting outside her house in my car for over ten minutes, waiting for her to come out so we can go to school. At this point, if she doesn't come out in the next thirty seconds, we're leaving her behind.

Pey brings her head back into the car and sighs back into her seat. "If Violet doesn't come out of that house with a reasonable story as to why she took a million years to get ready, I'll actually beat her up. You wouldn't be able to stop me, Riv."

I smile, already accepting the fact that we're going to be dreadfully late to school. On a Monday. Good way to get the week started. "Let's just be happy that Vi's going to school. I was afraid she and Tommy may enter a bedroom and not come out for the next ten years."

Pey sits up, eyeing me suspiciously. "Speaking of bedrooms, how was Saturday night all alone with Grayson? Are you carrying twins or triplets?"

I smack her arm, turning the radio up, already blushing at the mention of the subject. Pey immediately turns it back down, moving closer to me. "Come on, Riv. Tell me before Violet comes and makes this even more sexual. Just let it all out to your best pal Peyton."

Before I can say anything, the back door of my car swings open and Violet slips inside, looking happier than ever. She smooths out the babyhairs sticking out of her two french braids. "Let what out to your best pal Peyton?" She inquires, catching only the last part of Peyton's plea. I groan.

"Nothing," I insist.

"You're making this harder on yourself," Peyton says. She turns back toward Violet. "I'm trying to find out if Grayson did any naughty things to our girl here. But River's lips are sealed."

Violet squeals, bouncing up and down on my back seats. "Tell us."

"Fine!" I give in, putting the car in drive and starting toward our school. The first bell rang two minutes ago, so there's really no need to rush anymore. "We did...stuff."

"Stuff?" Violet exclaims. "Mouth stuff, hand stuff, p-in-v stuff? Worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ stuff? Riv, honey, you gotta be more specific than that."

So I tell them everything--or at least almost everything. I leave out the intimate details, feeling the need to keep some aspects of our night to myself. I definitely leave out Gray's vocalness through it all, as well as how much his words turned me on.

By the time I'm done, it feels a lot warmer inside my car, and both Violet and Peyton's mouths are quirked into satisfied smirks. Violet speaks first. "I applaud you, Riv. You had the whole night together and you didn't even go all the way? Insanity. Tommy and I--"

"I really do not need to know about the kinky shit you did with Tommy. I can imagine," I say, trying to erase the images of handcuffs, whips, and ropes that come to mind.

"Shut up, dummy," Violet says, playfully hushing me. "I was just going to say that Tommy and I had some wicked physical chemistry, and we weren't able to keep our hands off each other the first night we met. At the stage you're at, you and Grayson have that and more, yet you still controlled yourselves. It's crazy that you were able to just go right to sleep. Tommy and I sure didn't."

Peyton pipes in, "I actually agree with Vi. Just watching you guys interact on Saturday, I can see how much you're into him. And holy shit, just from his pants, I can tell how much he's into you. I thought you guys would go at it as soon as we left."

Violet laughs at the comment about Grayson's pants, nodding her head in agreement.

I lean my head back. "I wanted to, believe me. We both did. But...I don't know. Of course the physical attraction is there but it feels like way more than that. I've never felt this way before. Neither of us want to rush things. We want this to last, and we have all the time in the world to seal the deal. All of yesterday, we hung out in his penthouse without anything sexual happening, and it was perfect just being with each other."

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