A Mysterious Troll

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Because I'm so excited to show you, I wanna make chapter 2 immediately. And here it is!

So, Chapter 1 was an introduction, and was a short introduction, but chapter 2 will be a little longer, and more information for this story.

Please enjoy this story.


The leaders of the trolls made it out of their meeting pod as they reached the ground.

"Who do you think this troll is?" Barb asked.

"I have no idea, but whoever she is, we should ask her, and we can help," Poppy suggested.

But when they reached one part of the village where a crowd of other trolls gathered around, the leaders saw the new mysterious troll.

"Is that the troll?" Delta Dawn pointed.

"She might be. She's so grey and different," Trollex noticed

"And her hair is... also different," Poppy observed that this new troll's hair was straight down.

"I've never seen that troll before," Barb said as she tried to recall if this mysterious troll one of them, but she's unfamiliar with it.

"Well, we might not know this troll, but she needs help, and we're going to help her," Queen Essence said as the leaders nodded in agreement.

When the crowd of trolls noticed their leaders arrived, they give them way to approach the new visitor.

"Alright, everyone, we're here now," Poppy announced as the leaders passed through the crowd, "Just give our visitor some space. We'll take care of everything."

When the leaders showed in front of the new troll, her eyes widened, and smiled excitingly as she stood up from the bench, and rushed in front of them.

"The leaders of all trolls! I can't believe it's really, really you! HAHA!" She happily hugged them all with one tight embrace, much to the leaders' discomfort where they were hugged closer together and tighter by this new troll.

Trollex said with a strained voice by the hug, "Aah! Ooh! At least... this troll's... not... cranky!"

"She's... very... friendly!" Trollzart added, having a hard time to breathe.

"How in the world did you know who we are?" Barb asked confusingly.

"Know who you are? Know who you are?!" The grey troll released the leaders from her hug, "Why, I've heard about you since you became rulers of each of your kind! I'm so excited to meet you, I could just explode! I'm Agatha, but you can call me Aggie since we're friends now! Pleased to meet all of ya!" She shook hands with each of the leaders' hands.

Aggie's shake was so strong and rapid, the leaders felt a little dizzy because of the handshake, and it took a few seconds for them to recover.

"Well, howdy... um... Aggie," Delta started the greeting.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Aggie squealed in excitement, "I'm just about the most excited any troll has ever been about anything!

"Excited? But whatever for?" Poppy inquired.

"What for? What for?! Every troll here tells me of your amazing ruling and assistance! How you help trolls fixing their crisis and problems!" Aggie recalled about everything what she heard about the leaders

"It's our duty to help others, but—" Barb said confidently, but she was cut off.

"And that's why I'm here. I need help, too," Aggie said, "I want you to give me True Colors!"

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