Lost (Day 2)

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Trollex woke up from his slumber when he realized he was sleeping in a small pool that Aggie made for him out of wood and leaves. He was still impressed and appreciated what Aggie did for him. Eh turned to see her still sleeping in her sleeping bag, "Good morning, Aggie."

Trollex expected her to greet him back since Aggie is too polite to ignore greetings. But then, she didn't, which made the King of Techno feel something's wrong, "Aggie?" Trollex floated towards Aggie, and began to shake her. Curiously, he rolled her forward, and saw her face, looking so weak with her eyes are watery, and her nose is runny, "Aggie! What happened to you?!"

"What? Nothing! Nothing's wrong with me," Aggie's voice became raspy when she answered as she tried to clear her throat.

Trollex touched her forehead and neck, feeling hot like burning rocks, "Aggie, you have a fever! You're burning up!"

"No I'm not! This is just my normal body temperature," the gray troll replied in denial as she wiped her runny nose and sniffed.

"I knew you'll get sick from the rain yesterday!"

"Trollex, I never get sick, okay? And I don't feel sick. It's just a little dizziness. I just need a little stroll and sweating myself, and I'll be fine," Aggie tried to stand up as she felt a little dizzy. She packed her sleeping bag in her backpack, and then she spilled the water from the pool she made for Trollex before shoving it into her backpack. Her backpack was somehow magical as it can fit anything inside, not matter how big or how heavy the objects can be. After that, she zipped her bag close, and wore it behind her back, "Come on. We have to pack some food and water before we'll continue walking back to Troll Kingdom."

As Aggie looked for food from the bushes, Trollex looked so worried for her when he noticed how bad Aggie felt right now. She's very sick, but she denied it. She just wanted to take Trollex home, and be reunited with his tribe, she can't even think of herself.

Trollex only hope what Aggie said is true that she's not sick. But she looked and felt sick. So Trollex has to keep an eye on her while travelling back to Troll Kingdom to keep her safe.


Trollex and Aggie travelled through another forest, but this time, it's full of colorful plants and bug. Bugs here aren't harmful, and somehow edible. So, in this forest, the two trolls are safe to travel... for now.

Aggie felt a little dizzy when she started walking. She still wanted to deny that she's sick, and pretended feeling better so Trollex wouldn't have to be so worried about her, and they'll get back to Troll Kingdom soon. She thought that sweating will remove the sickness from her body, but the heat of the sun made her feel worse.

But it's hard for Aggie to pretend to be healthy as her vision was so blurry and spiral, and she kept walking in circles (like she was drunk). She kept getting herself hit onto trees and large rocks, which hurting her body.

Trollex can't help but feel pity for Aggie. He wanted to tell her to admit that she's sick, but he doesn't want to turn this into an argument, so he still wanted to keep an eye on her. There was a moment when Aggie tripped herself, and was about to fall into an edge of a gap between grounds. Trollex charged forward to catch her before she almost fell.

But this can't stop Aggie from keep moving forward as she kept walking around in scribbles. Trollex has to keep her away from getting hurt while following the river beside them.

"Aggie, please, you're sick. You need to rest," Trollex said in worry.

But Aggie rolled her eyes as she was annoyed by the Techno Troll's worries for her, "I'm fine, Trollex. You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Besides, we're still in the middle of our journey. We have to keep going. We'll be home in no time."

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