Smooth Jazz, sort of

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The trolls went back to Barb's fortress where they stayed at the meeting room. Barb and Aggie felt a little disappointed that Hard Rock wasn't Aggie's music in life. Both of them like Hard Rock, but even though things didn't work so well, they still have fun together.

After Barb sent Debbie a message to Chaz the Smooth Jazz troll, he groaned tiredly, and dumped her head on the table, "Ugh, I can't believe I recruited Chaz again for this!" She turned worriedly at Aggie, "Are you sure about this, Agz? Smooth Jazz isn't like our regular music."

"Don't worry. I can handle whatever stands in my way," Aggie said without fear.

"Brave and confident troll you are, huh? Alright. I trust you on this, but just in case..." Barb opened the drawer, and took out a jar of gumdrops that Poppy gave to her. She took out a few on her hand, and gave two gumdrops to Aggie, and two for herself, "Popsqueak gave us these gumdrops."

Aggie took the gumdrops from Barb, but was a little confuse why she need these, "Okay. What should I do with them?"

"Uh, Your Rockness," Riff interrupted when he opened the door, "He's here."

"Send him in," Barb ordered as Riff bowed, and let Chaz floated in with his Soprano class saxophone.

Barb stood up, and approached Chaz with Aggie beside her, "Ah, Chaz, the smooth jazz troll! I like you to meet Aggie. She's a Magic Musical Troll who has no True Colors until she chooses a music. As you probably know, we're helping her getting her True Colors without making her decided which music she should choose. She already tried 7 music already, including mine, and it didn't work. So, your music is the next on the lines, and if you help her, I'll pay double of your fee. So..., can you help her?"

Chaz fiddled his saxophone around while floating in the room, "I may be a bounty hunter, but Smooth Jazz will always stay alive for any troll"

"So, that's a yes?" Aggie clarified that answer.

"You just need to feel the jazz experience," The Smooth Jazz troll was about to play his music when Barb quickly reacted.

"Uh-oh! Quick, put on the gumdrops!" She warned Riff as he out the gumdrops on his ears, and Barb did the same. She rushed to her father's side, and put the gumdrops in his ears, "You too, dad!" Then, she yelled at the Magic Musical Troll, "Aggie, used the gumdrops!"

"Oh, okay," Aggie doesn't know what to do with the gumdrops..., except eating them.

"Wha—!" Barb face palmed, "She's doom."

Chaz started to play his music as pink rose surrounded the little gray troll. Aggie closed her eyes, and listen clearly at the music. The trolls in the room think Aggie is in the trance. Barb, Riff and Thrash have nothing to do, but just watch since Barb can't remove their gumdrops until the music is over.

Chaz ended her music as the rose petals disappeared. Aggie was still standing on that spot where she was listening as everyone in the room thought she was still in a trance.

But then, Aggie opened her eyes, and it's like she remembered everything when she was listening, "Wow! That was so jazzy!"

"What?!" Chaz was shocked that he noticed the gray troll felt normal after she listened to his music

"What the—! What?!" Barb gasped as well as she removed the gumdrops from her ears, "Aggie, are you okay? Do you feel anything?"

"Uh, no," Aggie shrugged in response.

"Do you feel paralyzed or hallucinated?"

"None whatsoever. I'm just listening to the music, and... nothing."

"But... my music was suppose to put you in a trance," Chaz explained the power of his music

Aggie was a little confused why everybody was so shock, but when Chaz explained, she then realized what's going on, "Ooooohhhh! Is that so? We Magic Musical Trolls are immune to any trance, even without choosing music yet. So, I didn't feel anything. And that's what you call Smooth Jazz. Eh, I'm not into Smooth Jazz," She quickly dug something from her bag, and took out an Alto class saxophone "But I'm into Party Jazz!"

Aggie played her saxophone and she blew so hard, it released very loud sound and strong shockwave, making the room shake in vibration. Chaz and Barb covered their ears to avoid hearing super loud Jazz music from Aggie. Riff and Thrash have no trouble since they still have gumdrops in their ears

"The Jazz! Too Loud!" Chaz yelled in pain when he felt her ears are hurting.

Barb struggled from the sound wave of Aggie's saxophone as she out her fist at the end of the instrument, making Aggie to stop playing

"Okay, okay, I think we have enough! Hehehe!" Barb chuckled as she snatched Aggie's saxophone from her, "Any True Colors yet?"

Aggie looked at her dress, hair, and skin of her arms, and saw no colors but gray, black and white.

"Nuh-uh," Aggie shook her head. Jazz isn't her music either.

But instead of pity, Chaz sighed in relief as he said, "Thank goodness. No offense, little lady, but your Jazz... is the worst."

Aggie's eyes suddenly brimmed with tears, and her face pouted. Barb saw this as she elbowed Chaz's chest for hurting her like that.

"Hey, don't give up yet, girl. Well, I'll send you to Symphonyville. The classical Trolls will help you get your True Colors in no time," the queen patted Aggie's back to make her stop crying, and comforted her.


I know Jazz chapter was short, but because of lack of lyrics, and Smooth Jazz was a little underrated.

It is revealed that Magic Musical Trolls are immune to trances, hallucinations and hypnosis

I hope you like this short chapter... and pls comment. I want to know what do you think of my story so far!

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