Lost (Day 3)

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The next morning, Aggie slowly opened her eyes, and yawned softly. It was a rough night for her last night. She almost can't remember what happened before she fell asleep. But then, she found herself hugging someone with a sound of a beating heart. She knew that someone as she yanked herself backward, startling the King of Techno.

"Trollex, what happened?" she asked while blushing.

"You fell asleep when you got the fever last night," answered Trollex.

Aggie groaned in guilt and frustration as she remembered how she denied that she was sick yesterday, "Oh man. I really am sick."

Trollex smiled as he touched Aggie's forehead, "Don't worry, I think you feel a lot better now."

"I'm sorry for making you feel worried about me. I can't believe you took care of me to get myself better."

"Aggie, it's okay. And as King of the Techno Trolls, it's my duty to take care of my tribe... and also other helpless trolls outside of my tribe."

Aggie smiled appreciatively, "Thanks, Trollex. Is there anything I can make it up to you?"

"No need," Trollex held his hand up, "I think going home sooner is what I need."

"Well, I think I feel better now. Honestly," Aggie said, and this time, she's honest about her current health.

Trollex touched her forehead again, just to make sure if Aggie's temperature is normal, "Okay, I think I believe you. Let's get going then."

Since Aggie felt healthy again, she can carry her backpack again, and packed the stuff that Trollex dug up and used to take care of her.


The two trolls returned to their journey to get back to Troll Kingdom. Though this place is just another weird, creepy and colorful forest, Trollex and Aggie were sure this is not the forest they came from. This one is different, so they're not going in circles.

While walking forward, Aggie couldn't get over that Trollex stayed up all night took care of her when she's sick. A million thoughts scrambled in her head. She doesn't know what to think as she kept making theories. Did Trollex take care of her because it's his duty as a king? Or maybe he feel pity for her as a friend? Or... he's in love with her?

Because of her thinking, Aggie didn't notice she was heading straight towards a wide gap.

Trollex saw the Magic Musical Troll walking towards the gap as he was thinking why Aggie didn't stop. He quickly charged towards her, and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her back before she could take another step, "Look out!"

Aggie's thoughts vanished when she felt Trollex pulled her away from the gap. If he didn't save her, she could've fall. Aggie panted in fear as she thought she's going to die. She regretted of thinking while walking, but she's grateful that Trollex saved her.

Trollex and Aggie noticed that there was another way pass this wide gap.

"Oh, great!" Aggie sighed frustratingly, "The other side is a long way to go."

Trollex has no problem about this gap since he can float off the ground, or even wide gaps, "Well, I'm the only one who can float, so..." He looked slyly at Aggie.

Aggie arched a brow as she was a little confuse of what the Techno Troll think, until she figured it out what as her eyes widened, and blushed, "Uh-uh, I'm not gonna let your carry me again! You stayed awake for the whole night just to take care of me. I think this is too much. We'll just take a long way home." Aggie decided to walk back to where they came, and find another way to the other side.

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