Rock (Volcano Rock City)

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An Angler Bus drove down the path as fast as it can with Rock Trolls play rock music.

Inside the bus, Barb paced around, and chuckled, "Haha! Good thing we came just in time when we heard a yodel."

She turned around, and was talking to Aggie, who was covered with blanket, and her feet were in a bucket of warm water, "C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cooooooollllddddd!"

"I hear ya. Don't worry, we'll warm you before we reach Volcano Rock City," The queen of Rock said, "We sent the Yodelers back to Lonesome Flats. I sent some of my subjects to send them there."

Aggie nodded. Then she heard her tummy growling, "Oh, I'm so hungry," She took her bag and opened it to find some food, but she didn't find any, "What that—" She then shook her bag as her stuff scattered on the floor. She found no food at all, "Darn! I'm right out of food!"

"You're in luck now, girl," Carol called, looking at the window, "Because there's a diner ahead."

Aggie then looked at Barb with teary eyes, hoping the queen will agree to stop and eat for a while. The gray troll is very very hungry.

Barb shrugged and smirked, "Eh, a little stop at the diner won't hurt. I'm starving myself."

The Angler Bus slowly stopped in front of the diner with a neon sign that says "Diner" & "Live Music" The bus opened its mouth, and Barb, Riff and Aggie hopped out.

Barb opened the door with Aggie and Riff behind her.

"Whoa!" Aggie quietly exclaimed "How come this place is... almost empty?"

They surveyed the place with only few group of trolls sitting on dining tables, feeling bored. A troll on stage played Polka music with her accordion.

Barb shivered in disgust, "Ugh! This is what happens when trolls stop listening to your music,"

"Gnarly," Riff whispered.

"So sad," Aggie added.

"Oh look!" Former King Thrash drove himself into the diner as Barb, Riff and Aggie moved aside, "They've got a salad bar!"

"So, what do you want to eat, Aggie?" Barb asked, "My treat."

"Ooh, I really want some potatoes right now!" Aggie craved for potatoes as she ran to the counter to get her own plate and potatoes.

When the Rock Trolls and Aggie sat on their tables and eat some food, the Polka troll still played her music, but no one seemed to care or listen to her music.

While eating her potatoes, Aggie can't help but listen to the music. She closed her eyes, and made her head dance to the music. She secretly sneaked off from the tables, and brought her plate of potatoes as she approached the stage to watch the Polka troll played the accordion.

After the Polka Troll finished her performance, Aggie is the only one who applauded, "Wow! You play so good!"

The Polka Troll smiled appreciatively as she played another number of her music. Aggie started to dance Polka as she enjoyed listening to the music.

Back in the table, Riff was eating his oen food, until he noticed Aggie dancing in front of the stage eith the Polka Troll playing her music, "Uh, Your Rockness!" He reported this to Queen Barb

Barb got his attention. When her right-hand troll pointed behind her, she turned around, and saw Aggie dancing happily, "What the— What is Aggie doing?"

Aggie took her time to enjoy this fun time as she kept doing the Polka dance.

"She's... dancing?" Riff guessed.

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