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"Careful with my baby." Brittany one of my friends say as I slam the door of her car.
Brittany drives I and Scarlett to school because amongst the three of us, she's the one that hates driving the least. Also, what better way to bond with your friends than to carpool everyday with them to school?
I scowled at her as I fastened my seatbelt.

"What got your panties in a twist?" Brittany asked.
"My panties are perfectly fine the way they are." I scowled at her again for making that comment.

"Did your mom make you angry again?" She tried again, as she navigated out of my estate.
How she manages to do both very well, that is, drive and talk is still a huge mystery to me. Which is way we voted her as the driver. Brittany and Scarlett don't know why my mom and I fight, I have never told them about what happened to me and my failing health. I'm scared that they'll look at me differently and I don't want that. Some people the moment they learn of my condition, they immediately give me a free pass even if I just offended them. It's suddenly alright because of my 'condition.' I don't want anyone looking at me in pity. But it wasn't my mom that made me angry this time, it was someone else.

"It can't obviously be her mom. After studying the course of HailMase 303 for three years, that study proves that it's Mason that got her panties in a twist. If it's her mom, it's grumbling under her breath but if it's Mason it's slamming of the car door," She was sitting at the front so she faced me almost as full as her seatbelt could allow her as she stared at me with her eyes opened fully, "Am I right or am I right?" She asked.

I grunted in reply signifying yes.
Scarlett the ever dramatic one, pumped her hands in the air signifying victory then she faced Brittany and said, "If you have studied the course then maybe you'll start acting as a shrink, rather than a lost sheep." Scarlett said all but sweetly to Brittany, but not meaning it in a nice way at all.

"If I were you, I would reserve my diss till I get to school. I can drop you off and you'll trek the remaining distance." Brittany said, effectively making Scarlett squirm but we both know Scarlett was not scared at all. She was just faking it 'cause we both know that Brittany would never do that to Scarlett.
"So what did Mason do this time?" Brittany asked.

The scowl returned to my face as I narrated the story, "You know how we have calculus test fourth period? So..." I was still talking when Scarlett interrupted me, 'I have calculus third period though, just saying, not that it was important for me to say. I just wanted to get it out there. You know what, just continue with your narration.' She finally kept quiet when she noticed my glare.

"Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Mason thought that by one a.m I have read enough, so he started playing music so loud and when I told him to tone it down, he said he feels I have read enough and I should get some rest. Read enough my ass! I had no choice but to than to go to bed 'cause everyone knows how Mason never backs down when he sets his mind to something." I concluded.
"If you ask me, I think what he did was good. Everyone knows you take life way too seriously, sometimes you just have to let go of the reins, not just in academics but in every aspect of your life. When you do that, you find out that you're not just an existing being bidding time to go but you are actually living." Scarlett said, not not knowing she hit home.
You see when something unpredictable happened to me, that is my cancer. I decided if I can't control that aspect of my life, I can control the other parts. I follow my schedule to the letter, yes I know what you're thinking... She has a schedule? Yes, I do. I never want anything to catch me unawares, so when unpredictable things happen it scares me that I'm not still not able to control the aspects of my life I aim to control.

But I didn't let Scarlett know that she hit the nail right on the spot, so I asked, "Have you ever ridden a horse?"
She nodded her head. I knew Scarlett has ridden a horse 'cause this year, the three of us spent our summer in Cuba. It was more of a rhetorical question.
"Do know what happens when you let go of the reins on a horse? You either die when the horse throws you off it's back or you lose the sense of direction."

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