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A/N- It's been quite an age. How have you all been?
Here's a new update.

"Mason, come over it's an emergency!" I hollered towards his balcony early in the morning.
"I'll be right there, just give me a minute." He hollered back.

I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood is pretty much tired of our hollering but are also used to it. I mean we've been at it for five years so this is pretty normal. I'm sure that when I finally die, everyone in this neighborhood will know 'cause there won't be any more hollering.

"You won't be right here if it's actually taking you a minute." I groaned.
After like fifteen minutes, not actually a minute like he said, Prince Mason finally swings in from his balcony. Cue eyeroll.

"How long did it actually take you to come here?" I complained as I tapped my foot in pretense anger.
"Forgive me your royal highness." He did a mock bow.
"Whatever, thank your stars I'm in a good mood else your head would be on the platter 'cause of your insurbordination."
"That's pretty gracious of your highness." He mocked barely hiding the smile forming on his lips.
"Whatever, peasant." I said in mock seriousness.

It wasn't long before we both burst into laughter.
"We are definitely not normal." Mason said in between laughter.
"Come on, normal is boring and overrated." I shrugged my shoulders.
After we reined our laughter in, we finally got down to business.

"So why did you call?"
"So I didn't know which dress to wear to church, so I brought out these gowns for you to pick from." I said, watching as Mason's eyes widened at the probably twenty gowns I brought out, okay honestly, bordering on fifty dresses. It's not like I went overboard or anything.

"I know you think it's a little over the top, but..." Mason cut me off, "No... No, change that statement to wayyyyyy over the top." He drawled the way so much that I couldn't help rolling my eyes.
"Stop exaggerating... It's just a little over the top. So I needed something that'll say holy, but not too slutty. Something that will say modest but not too modest. You know what I mean?" I asked Mason but he shook his head in reply, and actually looked totally cluelessly. Gosh! Guys never understand the need to make a good impression.

"Okay... In a simplified version, I need something that'll make me look good." I said.
"Okay... Go with that one." He pointed, without even thinking about it. Didn't he know dressing is an art and it's really important?
"You didn't even..." I stopped in mid-sentence when I saw the dress he chose, "Wow... That is definitely the right choice." I smiled and picked it off my couch.

"This is the part where you thank me and say you're the best Mason, I can't live without you 'cause you are my oxygen or you're my map 'cause without you I'll be lost. Come on, say it, don't be shy."
I shook my head in disagreement, "No, this is the part I kick you out so I can get ready. So off you go." I said, shooing him to the balcony.

"Remember to be done in thirty minutes, Okay?" He said, before I closed the door.
"Okay, boss. Bye." I said, finally shutting the door.

It took me less than thirty minutes to be done with everything. I wrote a quick note to let my mom or dad, anyone that gets in first, where I'm going to so they wouldn't be worried when they get back and don't see me. I was shutting my front door when I  looked over to my driveway and saw that Mason and his mom were already waiting for me.

"Good morning Mrs Lightning." I greeted immediately I entered the car.
"I've told you countless times to call me by my first name, but you've refused. Regardless, I'm super glad you're accompanying us to church. When Mason told me, I was super psyched. I hope you are?" She asked, smiling widely.

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