A Letter to Mason

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To Mason.

Dear Mase,
You asked me once in the hospital what I'm always writing, the irony is I was actually writing your letter at that exact moment. So here's part of what I was always writing.

You've been that friend that has stood by me longest and we started our friendship in the most dramatic way. I mean I pushed you down the stairs, how does that even add up? I still don't know. I would have dismissed our friendship as a regular friendship but I know that'll be a fallacy 'cause it's obvious it was planned by God. Our Stars aligned at the perfect time and made us meet.

I can say thank you for a thousand years and it's still won't be enough. You're really God sent. I would have swore that someone like you doesn't exist but you're a living proof so my guess is obviously wrong.
Mason, I need you to move on from me. I was meant to be a short-term friend. I know asking you to do this is actually asking a lot from you but I just want you to be happy. If it were me, it wouldn't be easy to but trust me when I say it's for the best.

You never met Old Mr Harris but he was a huge influence in my life. Part of why I was able to sponsor my 'The List' trip is 'cause he left me a great deal of money. Why? I don't know.
I'll be leaving in your care $150,000. Rather than giving it to a cancer foundation for treatment, give it to them for patients who have little time and want to see the world. It's better to live while you still have life than die when you still have the breath of life in you.

Any amount that should come out from the Old Mr Harris fund, I have instructed his daughter to give it to you 'cause you'll know the best way to use it.
Even as I write this letter, I miss you already. I wish life didn't turn out like this but we don't always get what we truly wish for.
Death seemed easier 'cause you made me smile through it. Everyone deserves a friend like you that they can lean on during hard times. If everyone is as selfless as you, then the world will be a better place.
Attached is the album of our pictures we took during 'The list.' I want you to have it.
I love you so much Mason. You forever remain my one true pairing.

Your true friend,

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