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Mason's P.O.V

Hailey's been gone for two weeks and it still feels unbelievable. For the first one week, all I did was cry and stare at Hailey's balcony hoping that somehow, miraculously Hailey will appear but no such luck.

The second week, I spent every night on Hailey's bed so that her lingering scent can embrace my aching heart. I tried to put myself together during the third week 'cause I promised Hailey I'll do that.
The school held a candle ceremony for Hailey. Almost everyone were shocked to learn that Hailey had cancer. That was just how Hailey was, she liked to keep her life private. So many people had nice things to say about Hailey, her locker was overflowing with notes.

During the candle ceremony, I think it finally dawned on me that Hailey was never coming back. No more swapping coffee in the morning, no more morning drills on Sunday morning, no one to give me sass everyday, no more Hailey chasing me down the halls, no more celebration of holidays together, no one to watch me when I'm sleeping.

Hailey's death made me realize that she was my everything. Because I had Hailey, I never needed anyone else in my life. She was the total package.
Today was Hailey's burial. Her family relatives are trying to keep it together. Hailey instructed that no one wears black or cry. It was celebration of life not death.

Hailey, bossy even in death. Hailey's mom and my mom were huddled together as the ceremony started.
After the whole reading, prayer and solemn hymns. Hailey's video was played as she instructed.

"Hello, wonderful people," Hailey's voice filtered in the air. It felt like she was right here, "If you are watching this, it means that I'm no longer here on Earth. Honestly, I'm not bummed at all that I'm gone. A wise person once told me that a long life isn't counted by how long you live on earth, rather it's counted by how well you spent your life. I had fun on Earth thanks to family and friends. To my mom, you're the strongest woman I know and my role model. To my Dad, I love you so much for everything. To my brother, yo! Cars! You need to get married to Serenity. Obviously you know I approve.

To Brittany and Scarlett, you both are my soul sisters. Brittany, sorry for much I slammed your car, we both know I am not sorry," She laughed as she said this and from where I was seated I saw Brittany smile as she wiped a tear, "To Xavier and Ryder, thank you for being my friends. You both are the best. To Mason, man! I don't even know what to say. For being everything to me. Thank you. You stayed with me at my best and even at my worst. You supported me even in the most unimaginable way. Cheers Mase-Mase, I know you hate this nickname," She laughed again and continued, "Everyone needs that friend that'll always be by their side no matter what, that is who you were. You know I love you so much and trust me to say that if it was within my power, I would have stayed with you in a heartbeat. Till we meet on that resurrection morning, Adios Masey." She finished with a wide grin.

I found myself smiling as my eyes filled up. Hailey, my Hailey. The next slide was the picture we took together at the hospital when we both cut our hair. Under the picture she wrote, ' To a friend that stood by me through it all.'

It took everything not to cry again. Hailey left me to deal with such great pain. I meant what I told her, I can't imagine a life without her in it.
As everyone paid their last respects before Hailey will be lowered into the ground, I studied everyone. Everyone was trying to be strong 'cause that's what Hailey wanted. I could see the great anguish on Hailey's mom face as her Dad held her. Scarlett just hugged Brittany tightly as she dropped the flower.

When everyone was done, I decided to go and pay my last respect. I looked at Hailey's peaceful face. Those eyes that'll never see light up again, or those lips that'll never smirk or those hands that'll never hold mine and reassure me that everything will be alright and this is just a phase in life.
I decided to say goodbye to her in Spanish 'cause she always loved it when I spoke other languages.

With heaviness in my heart I said, "Adios querida amiga, sigues siendo insustituible."

As I walked out of the place with head held high and a tear free face, I was really happy 'cause seeing me leave without crying would have made Hailey really glad.

A/N- The Spanish above if I got it right is supposed to mean: Goodbye dear friend, you remain irreplaceable.

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