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A/N- Decided to give you all an early update.😊

"Do you know how to run Mason?" I asked him in a sickly sweet smile.
"Yeah...Why?" He asked looking really confused. Don't worry, I'll soon make it clear to you boy.

" 'Cause after the stunt you pulled by one a.m this morning, you should be running for the hills when you see me. I'm going to kill you when I get my hands on you!" I yelled the last part as I started chasing him. Oh and he didn't just stand there, he ran.

Obviously! Although the chase didn't last as long as I would have wished because Ryder, one of Mason's best friend and also my friend caught me before I could punch Mason in the face.

"Let me at him Ryder! I'm going to punch him in the fucking face!" I yelled. You'll think our antics would draw attention, but it doesn't. I think everyone is used to Mason and I like-hate relationship.
"Let her at me Ryder." Mason smiled barely heaving unlike me. Curse him and his athletic body.

Ryder released me without any hesitation. I think everyone knows that I wouldn't hit Mason. I launched at Mason and he caught me by his waist and held me tightly so I wouldn't be able to move but without his grip on me hurting me.
"Doll, are you sure you want to hit me?" Mason asked smiling widely.

Mason has been calling me doll ever since the ragged doll incident when we were twelve. It has earned him lots of glares from me and threats of broken ribs, but he refused to budge. I think we've established that Mason is pretty stubborn when he sets his mind to something. So I've grown to accept it and answer it anytime he calls me that, which is almost everytime except when he's pretty serious.

"I don't want to hit you theoretically. I just want to knead you in the balls." I said in a sinister voice. Ignore me people, I'm trying to sound evil

"Feisty aren't we?" He laughed too showing his dimples on both sides.

The cause of many stolen hearts in school. Mason is the school golden boy, although he strongly disagrees. Has a smile that can make millions of girls go crazy- Check, able to play soccer, basketball and volleyball very well and even captain of two out of the three teams- Double check, can play piano and guitar- check again, is a straight A student- check, rides a Haley motorcycle and spots a leather jacket almost everytime; Hashtag ultimate bad boy look activated- triple check and finally the reason or cause of many fainting spells, can speak seven different languages including English, and has an unplaced accent that sounds really soothing to the ear, more reasons for him to be the golden boy. You see in tenth grade, when Charlotte made fun of Mason's genes, she also made fun of his accent 'cause Mason is mixed. Mason's dad from what he told me was Italian and his mom is American, so he has the whole mixed gene thing going on for him. Now Charlotte is the one of the people who desires Mason. I think she has realized how foolish she was in tenth grade for mocking Mason's looks and accent. She totally digs the bad boy look now.

At first I used to think that Mason was aware of how popular he was until I studied him carefully and noticed he isn't even aware that whenever he isn't in school there is this silence in school, like someone died. Even one time he was ill, I went to visit him and I saw so many flowers and get well soon cards. I wondered how he was still able to fit into the hospital room.

"I'm not feisty but... Oh my gosh! What happened to your eyes? Didn't you get any sleep again?" I asked as Mason's grip on me loosened. I placed my palms on his cheeks.

"Don't get weird on me Hailey." Mason chuckled nervously.
"Shut up you moron. I told you to always take care of your health," I moved really close and whispered in his ear, "You didn't take your insomnia pills right?" I whispered cause Mason didn't want anybody to know about his sleeping issues. He said it'll make him look weak and he didn't want anyone looking at him with pity.

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