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A/N- TGIF!! 🥰🥰
1.2k reads already! 🙊 Y'all are the best.
New update!
Enjoy 🥂

From the moment we woke up, Mason accousted me to tell him the truth and since the cat was already out of the bag, I decided to tell him everything.

"So that's all about my cancer life." I said, finally concluding my story.
"Wow!" That was the only thing Mason said.
We were quiet for few minutes until Mason finally spoke up.

"So what do you have planned?" He asked
I looked at him really surprised 'cause I already told him that I didn't want to do any surgery so I was confused on what he meant by what do I have planned.

"What do you mean?" I scrunched my brows in confusion.
"Like do have any list or anything?"
"Ohhh... Like a bucket list?"
"Yeah... Like a bucket list."
"No... Don't think I need to have one." I said, but I knew I had a look of doubt on my face.
"So you don't have anything you wish to really do?" He asked like a shrink.

I chuckled nervously as I thought of it, "I don't think I do." I finally replied.
"Well... I don't believe you. When you are ready to tell me the real reason, I'm over here." He said plopping himself on the pillow.

After few minutes, I finally spat the truth out, "I don't have a list not 'cause I don't have anything I want to really do, but 'cause of I feel like making a list will make death seem closer. Do you understand?"
He nodded slowly, then shook his head.
"I don't understand one bit. It's like you just spoke Chinese." He said smiling a bit.

I pushed his chest lightly as I started laughing, "Jerk."
"On a more serious note," He said as soon as we stopped laughing, "It doesn't mean death is close, it's just stuff you want to really do that you haven't gone around doing. If it makes you feel better, don't name it bucket list then."
I thought about it and he actually made a whole lot of sense.
"Okay then, we have a list to make." I smiled.

Mason got a paper and pen off his night stand and handed it to me, the only thing is that I didn't accept it.
I glared at the pen and paper like it offended me, "What era are we? Please, get me your laptop. I know you are ancient, but I'm not."

Mason looked at me with his mouth wide open.
"Careful Mase, you may catch flies in that mouth of yours."

He quickly close his mouth and looked at me in shock, "How is writing on pen and paper old? I mean I've seen you jot stuffs in school in pen and paper," He placed emphasis on the pen and paper before he continued, "Now you asking what era? I can't... I really can't with you." Mason said shaking his head as he stood up to get the laptop.

"What? Have you not seen that in most movies when the person is dying and wants to write a bucket list always writes with pen and paper. I want to be different when I write mine. What are you doing?" I asked as I looked up and saw Mason filming me with my phone. Yeah, his fingerprint is part of the registered ones that can open my phone. And also, I didn't even know I came with my phone yesterday.
"I want you to watch it and see the kind of mentality you have." He said still filming.
"Stop filming me, moron. I just woke up and I look like I just escaped from the loon." I said, covering my face with my palms.

"No, you don't." He argued.
My ears perked up as I removed my palms from my face, "Really? You want to admit that I look beautiful? You know you can't take it back." I smirked.
Mason shook his head and stopped filming, "No, I am not admitting that. I know you won't let me hear anything else for the next two weeks if I admit it. So, no I think I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though." Mason said the voice of an interviewer in the last sentence.

I burst into laughter. I can't believe that I just told Mason I had cancer yesterday and here we are laughing. I don't know why I was overthinking the whole stuff before.
"And just so you know, that'll be our first clip for our project." Mason teased.
I glared at him playfully, "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, but I would. Watch me." He rubbed his palms together and smiled in a maniac way.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly, "Put it. I couldn't care less 'cause I know I look like a queen in the morning."
Mason looked at me like I have grown two heads, "But you just said when I was filming that you look like someone who escaped from the loon and now you are saying another thing."
"I was just fishing for compliments."I smirked.
Mason looked at me for a long time and just shook his head, "I can't right now. Let's just write the 'what you want to really do list.'

"Okay." I said, my smile widening. I already know what my first want is.
I took his laptop and started typing.
Mason peeked at the laptop when he discovered I have written the first task, "Take Mason's mom offer to look at his baby pictures. How can that even be your first wish? The way you derive joy in seeing me at my embarrassing moments makes me doubt our friendship sometimes." He groaned.

"Oh my gosh! Really?" I asked as I tried to look shocked.
"Yes... I feel so hurt." Mason said, obviously trying to guilt trip me so I don't see his baby pictures.
"I never knew you felt that way and I'm sorry... Nope, I don't care if you feel that way." I made him think I was apologising but I quickly turned the tables.
"I knew you weren't going to apologize, so I definitely wasn't expecting it. When you started apologizing, I was like wait for it, wait for it. Glad to know you never disappoint."

I laughed and shook my head, "I'm here to please."
I kept typing and Mason kept making comments like, 'Never knew you wanted to do that' 'Oh, that's nice.' I stopped typing after the fourth task and turned to Mason.

"The remaining tasks won't be possible." I said smiling sadly.
"Well, simply because they are not in the country."
"Then write them with no inhibitions." He said.
"No... I can't. In case you haven't noticed we are in school session and I can't just up and travel."
"Yes, you can. You just take permission from the principal."
I shook my head, "I'll have to tell him of my condition and I don't want to do that. I don't want any pity."
Mason thought for a minute and said, "Write the list and let me worry about that permission slip. Okay?"
"But..." I started saying but Mason interrupted me.

"Write it Hailey. If I get the slip you get to go and if I don't, then you get to say I told you. You've got nothing to lose, so learn to dream a little. Or how else will your dreams transition into a reality?" He asked.

I nodded and added the remaining stuffs. Mason gave me some space to type my list.
"I'm done." I tapped him as I handed him the laptop.

The list looked like this:

*Take Mason's mom offer to see his baby pictures.
*Sing at a karaoke bar.
*See the Eiffel tower.
*Attend 5SOS concert.
*See the Big Ben.
*See the Hollywood sign.
*Ride horses on the beach.
*Go bungee jumping.
*Take a hot hair balloon ride.
*Visit an elephant sanctuary.

"Wow, I definitely love this list. I'm going to make sure you have so much fun."
"Really? You're going to go through this list with me?"

Mason looked at me like I just asked a really stupid question, "Of course I am. I told you Hailey, we are in this together." He smiled widely.
Tears brimmed in my eyes as I hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much. I couldn't ask God for a better friend."

"Me too." Mason admitted.
I withdrew from the hug feeling really happy at this moment even though I supposed to be wallowing in sorrow based on my condition.
"So what next?" Mason asked.
"I'm going to tell Brie and Scar about my condition." I heaved a really sad sigh.

"Yeah... Yeah. I feel like you have to tell them. Do you need me there or anything?"
I shook my head, "No. I want you to tell Ryder and Xavier for me. Can you do that for me?"
Mason nodded his head and said, "Sure... Anything for you."

I smiled at him 'cause despite the whole sad space we were in right now, I never doubted that Mason will have my back no matter what and that is enough consolation for me.

Has someone ever given you that assurance that despite how shitty things are at the moment, everything is going to be fine 'cause they'll be right there by your side?

How did you feel? Did you feel strong enough to face that obstacle?

Till the next update,

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