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Second POV

You put away the picture into the beach bag you brought with you. You then got pulled into the bathroom by an anonymous hand. Your vision was blocked by another hand until they removed it.

"Hello..?" You say in a questioning tone, before you is a certain bluenette, "Kokomi? Why did you pull me in here and cover my eyes?" You ask rubbing your eyes. Teruhashi then answers saying, "You know I try to be nice all the time, right?" Before you could answers she finishes saying, "Well I am changing that right now. I can see what you are trying to do f/n." You tilt your head, "What are you even talking about?" You ask truly confused by what she means.

She walks towards you causing you to back up, you then back into a wall and put your hands out so she can't get any closer.

"Answer this for me f/n." She states, "Do you have a crush on Saiki?" She then asks boldly. You feel your eyes widen and a small heat rise up to your face, "No." You state staring her in the eyes, "Oh okay! I just wanted to check because I was thinking of asking him on a date!" She says bluntly. You then feel a weird feeling in your stomach, you choose to ignore it and say, "O-Okay. Good for you Kokomi."

You walk out of the bathroom and feel water going down your face, you were crying?   

'They deserve each other.. They would be great together. I can't get in the way of such a good relationship.' You think to yourself.

When no one is looking you decided to quickly grab your things and head back to your house. As your walking all you think about is Kokomi dating Saiki.

'I wonder if she already asked him, I bet he said yes. No one has ever refused Kokomi, she's too perfect for anyone to even get the chance to..' 

You finally arrived back home, you got changed out of your bathing suit and changed into your onesie. 

Your POV

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Your POV

"Some might think this is childish but I rather like it, and it's super soft." I say to myself looking in the mirror. I then hear a knock at the door, I run down the stairs and look through the window. When I look through the window I see, Saiki?! I unlock the door and open it, "Hey Saiki." I say greeting the strawberry haired boy. 

I see Saiki look me up and down and then smiles a bit, I look down at myself and remember what I am wearing and I feel my face flush red, "Nice outfit." I hear Saiki say with a small chuckle. I just nod slowly and invite him in, he accepts and walks in closing the door behind himself. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and cliffhanger but I've just had writers block lately, I am planning on writing another chapter soon. I am also planning on doing Saiki Kusuo oneshots!


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