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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been kinda busy but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things again.

Your POV

When I woke up I decided to go downstairs and make pancakes, and not wake Kusuo up. 

"I still can't believe he's a psychic.." I mumble to myself as I mix the pancake batter. I then hear a groan from the living room, "Hey there sleeping beauty." I say knowing it's Kusuo, "Beauty?" Kusuo asks. I answer saying, "Oh shut up. You know what I mean." I turn my head towards him and shoot him a glare, "Yeah yeah." He says fixing his hair carefully.

Once I finish making the pancakes I put some on a plate and hand some to Kusuo. 

"So about fixing your limiter, you said your brother was the solution?" I ask as I sit across to Saiki. He just nods and takes a bit of a pancake, "How exactly? Is a like an inventor?" I ask him, "Kind of, he was born a genius and he was also the one who made my limiter in the first place." He responds. I nod my head as I finish one of my pancakes, "So, how will you get there? Can you teleport or do you need your limiter for that too?" I ask him. I finishes his pancakes and answers saying, "My teleportation could end up being a bit off, and dangerous. I don't want to have the risk of being discovered though so I might have to go by plane with my parents." I just nod in agreement and ask him, "So are all your powers kind of enhanced right now as well?" He nods. 

|| Time Skip ||

I ended up calling over Kusuo's parents to come and get him so nothing bad would happen. He also explained to them that I now know about his powers and they ended up inviting me to go with them to London (I think) to keep Saiki company. I accept and thank them for their kindness towards me. 

"Oh honey don't you think she is the perfect girl for our grumpy little Ku?" Kusuo's mom says to her husband quite loud so I could hear them, but I don't think they are aware. As the two parents whisper back and fourth I look over to Kusuo sitting in a wheel chair and making quite an annoyed face. I giggle and walk over to him, "Aw what's wrong 'little Ku'?" I ask using his mothers nickname for him while chuckling a bit, "Don't you add that to your nicknames for me." I hear him say to me. I ignore his threat and ask, "Do you not talk? Is that like one of your powers?" "Jeez you ask a lot of questions. But yes I don't talk using my mouth, I just do it telepathically." I nod and sit on the couch closest to him. 

|| Another Skip -w- ||

Once we got on the plane, Kusuo's parents of course made it so me and Kusuo's seats were next to each other and their seats were behind ours. 

I chose to sit in the window seat and put on my seat belt, "Excited much?" I hear Kusuo say, "Shut it, and no. Flying on planes isn't really my thing." I admit to him as he carefully sits down, "Then why would you even come on this trip?" He asks looking at me confused, "Well I've been trying to get over my fears, and it is somewhat my fault." I say to him looking back at him, "Kokomi is my sister after all.." I finish saying. He looks away and shakes his head, "Even so, this isn't your fault." He says as I look out the window. I just close my eyes and hum in agreement. 

Not long later I feel a cold hand on my own. As I look over I see Kusuo with a warm smile, and not long after I feel my face warm up, "Y-You don't have to-.." I manage to spit out, "Well I can't really change my mind now can I?" I hear the strawberry haired boy say as he points to the place where his limiter was reminding me he has no control over his strength. I nod and say, "Yeah.. I guess so." I use my other hand to open a plastic bag that holds something I bought at the airport and hand it to Saiki. 

His eyes light up and he looks both ways, not long after using his powers to open the object and guide it to his mouth, then eating it, "Thank you for the coffee jelly." I hear him say as I close my eyes in satisfaction with a small smile, "Your welcome Mr.Saiki.." I say quietly. 

Words: 805

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