Chapter 2: Chasing you

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Chapter two: Chasing you (Ellie's POV)

I walked into my last class of the day. Business Studies. It's Economics, just less mathematical. 

I sat down with a huff, propping my elbows on the table, holding my head in my hands. I do not want to speak to him, I do not want to see him, I want to forget that he even came back. On the other hand, I want to ask him why he didn't reach back out to us, why he didn't tell us he was leaving and what changed. 

I kept my head down as people began filing into class. I had Brett in this class, but he has soccer tryouts at the moment for the existing members of the soccer team and after school for potential new members. 

Our teacher, Mrs. Cole walked in and started by taking attendance. She's not too good with names. 

I was in my world until she called my name, the door opening simultaneously. 

"Ellie?" she called out. 

"Here," I said while looking up, watching as he walked through the door. I squirmed in my seat, realizing that the two seats beside me were empty. Those were the only two empty. One was Brett's and the other was a spare. 

"I'm Zach Rivers," he said to Mrs. Cole, not even sparing anybody else a glance. She added his name to the attendance register before he turned around, observing the class before his eyes settled on me. A smirk danced on his lips before he walked up to me and sat down in the seat beside mine. 

I put my head down, staring at my notebook, counting the lines to distract myself. 

"Hey," he whispered while class finally began. I resisted a groan and looked up to the front of the class where Mrs. Cole began explaining via her presentation and some diagrams and mind maps on the board. 

The spider web kind. We may not be in middle school but they sure as hell still help. 

"Hey," he repeated. I continued ignoring him for as long as I could. Which wasn't very long considering that he didn't care whether he disturbed the class and landed us in trouble or not, whereas I very much did. 

"Is something bothering you Mr. Rivers?" Mrs. Cole finally snapped. She had told him to be quiet numerous times. 

"I've been asking Ellie here for a pencil since the beginning of the class but she just won't give me one," he shrugged nonchalantly. 

She turned to me with a glare.

He wasn't even fazed about it, whereas I was flustered from the stares and whispers. Everyone knew him, and everyone knew we were friends, now thanks to him, everyone would know I was ignoring him. 

I grabbed one pencil and handed it to him, still not uttering a word or sparing him a glance. 

"Fucking hell," he sighed to himself while class resumed. 

I kept my eyes trained on the clock, my foot tapping against the floor with each tick of the second. When there was one minute left, I shoved everything in my bag, ready to bolt out of there. As the sound of the bell echoed throughout the building, I ran out of there. I headed right to my locker, shoved my homework into my bag, and started heading to my car. 

"Fucking asshole," I mumbled under my breath. I know he finds this amusing. I was marching on over to my car when someone grabbed my wrist, spinning me around. I turned around and came face to face with Brett. 

"Hey," he panted slightly. 

"Hey," I replied. 

"Do you have somewhere to be?" he questioned. 

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