Chapter 7: What is love?

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Chapter seven: What is love? (Ellie's POV)

It was now Friday, the end of the week. We were all planning on going bowling tomorrow. 

Since Tuesday, when Zach got all grumpy and bland before his soccer practice, he hasn't spoken to me. 

"Oh, come on Ellie! Fall in love with someone! I'm sick and tired of seeing you single, come on. Please, please, please," Ashley whined while Mr. Prichard continued marking some assignments. We were given some work but Ashley and I were done so we were free to talk. 

"Who do you want me to fall in love with? That's just not how this stuff works," I laughed while we kept our voices down. 

"It truly isn't." We looked up from our seats to see Mr. Prichard eavesdropping. Ashley's desk was on Mr. Prichard's right and mine was on hers.

"Mr. Prichard is a wise man, Mr. Prichard, tell her why she should love someone," Ashley sighed, holding her chin in her palm. 

"Oh, don't do it," he shook his head. 

"Mr. Prichard," Ashley whined. 

"Mr. Prichard, what is love? To you?" I questioned, actually interested in his opinion because he was a wise man. He was like the teacher students went to for advice, no joke. 

"Couldn't tell you, sweetheart," he said while shuffling through papers. 

"Would you say it's worth it?" I asked. 

"With the right person, definitely," he nodded. The bell rang and everyone began heading out for lunch. "Good day, girls," he nodded before we left. 

"Come on," Ashley pleaded while linking her arm with mine. 

"I don't know about love," I said with uncertainty. 

"Okay, forget about love, at least get a boyfriend. You deserve someone who treats you right, Ellie. You can deal with love when it comes to it." She waved her hand dismissively. 

We entered the cafeteria and sat down at our table. I wasn't that hungry so I thought I'll grab a brownie or something towards the end of lunch and just eat it on the way to class. 

"Okay, Ashley," I sighed in defeat, "I'll fall in love with someone," I chuckled. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Brett asked while sitting beside me, flicking my hair. 

"Falling in love," I answered. 

"Falling in love?" Spencer asked while sitting. 

"You love someone?" Nathan asked. 

"No," I laughed, "Apparently I should be in love with somebody by now. So Ms. Belle here has suggested I find a boyfriend and fall in love," I laughed. 

"Are you serious?" Spencer laughed. 

"Sure am," Ashley nodded. 

"It's kind of fascinating though," I shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Your fascination with love is only temporary like everything else has always been with you," Zach said while sitting opposite me. He had been such an ass to me this entire week, acting like I don't even exist and like that conversation between us never even happened and I was sick of it. 

"Actually, Zach, I'm looking for something serious. But you wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?" I cocked a brow at him while the others at the table all froze up and glanced between us. 

"Guys," Brett cleared his throat. 

"From the sounds of it, babe, you'd jump on the first guy you see, that's just how desperate you sound," he smirked. I scoffed. He's not one to talk about being desperate. 

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