Chapter 27: Humiliated

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Chapter twenty-seven: Humiliated (Ellie's POV)

I thought I was done, but apparently not. Everyone here is so horny that they want to play again. Every single person has already played but now they want it the other way round with the girls blindfolded. 

What is wrong with people?! Is one kiss not enough?! 

Because the majority of the people wanted to play, everyone just had to agree with it. I huffed while running my hand through my hair before putting it up in a bun. 

I am literally feeling hot in this room. 

"Ellie, Ashley, Aria, Shay, and Beth. You go first," Samantha huffed. I glared at her before sighing in defeat. 

"Who's up first, ladies?" Ethan asked. 

We all looked at each other and then everyone looked at me. "Seriously, what have I done to you guys?" I huffed while walking over to Ethan, turning my back to him. 

He put the blindfold over my eyes and tied it up. "Good luck," he said while walking me to, I'm guessing, the middle of the room. I fidgeted with my hands, my foot tapping against the floor as I stood there. If I guess wrong, I will be extremely humiliated. 

I have not kissed that many guys, how am I supposed to guess out of every single guy here?! 

"God, help me," I whispered while I heard the boys talking in hushed tones before someone was pushed forward. I'm guessing they were pushed, why would someone volunteer? 

"Damn, Ellie. There's a lot of boys that wanna kiss you tonight," Ethan laughed. 

I'm confused. Did someone step forward so nobody else could? 

I could feel the person standing in front of me but they weren't doing anything. He wasn't kissing me, he was just standing there, probably staring. 

"Okay, can we like get this over with? Because I-" I stopped talking when I felt someone tilt my head up before I felt their lips on mine. 

Well, that's one way to shut me up. 

Shit, wait! I'm supposed to be guessing who this is. Instead, I'm out here just enjoying this. 

I put my hands upon his shoulder. He's tall, broad, I know that jacket. I know those lips. 

I know who this is. 

Because I now knew, I could allow myself to go back to enjoying the kiss. I felt an arm go around my waist and a hand dip into my back pocket before whistles went around the room with chuckles. He bit down on my bottom lip and my knees almost buckled out. 

I slowly pulled away, remembering that we had an audience. Clearly, this person is a confident dick because he didn't care who was watching. Footsteps retreated and I stood there seeing nothing but darkness. 

I traced my lips before taking a deep breath. I should say this carefully. What if I guess him and it's not? Who else kisses that good though? Not that I could tell you. 

"Um-" I cleared my throat, "Is that-" 

Just say it. 

"Is that Zach?" 


I'm going to die, I think I will go into cardiac arrest. I untied the blindfold and looked at the boys before turning to Ethan. "Am I right?" 

He seemed surprised. 

I guessed the wrong person, I'll go die in a hole now, thanks. 

"You're right." 

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