Chapter 32: Staying in

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Chapter thirty-two: Staying in (Ellie's POV)

I woke up the next morning to banging on the bedroom door. "Zach," I mumbled, nudging him lightly with my elbow. "Zach," I tried again. He groaned and shifted but didn't wake up. "Zach," I smacked his chest, causing him to wake up. 

"What?" he whined. We looked forward and sure enough, there was banging on the door. "Come in!" he called out while I tried going back to sleep. 

The door opened and I heard Brett's voice. "Sorry, I didn't wanna walk in on something that would traumatize me. It's noon, wake up guys," he chuckled. 

I flipped him off and he laughed before cutting to the chase. "There's a party tonight." 

How is there a party every weekend? 

"James is throwing it," he stated. 

"Good for him," I mumbled. 

"Apparently, you're the co-host, Elle," he said. 

I scoffed, "Not if I don't go," I replied. 

"You're not going to go?" he asked. 

"Are you kidding me?" I sat up, "After this past week, I-" I stopped talking when I realized I hadn't told Zach anything. "No, I'm not going. I have no interest in ever seeing his face anywhere because every time I see it, all I want to do is punch it," I huffed. 

"You don't have to interact with him there, it's crowded enough for you to get away," Brett shrugged, "Your call." 

"I think we'll pass," Zach said. 

"You're not going?" Brett and I asked in sync. "Why aren't you going?" I questioned. 

"Because if I do go there, I will punch him," he shrugged. 

"So you guys are just going to stay here?" Brett asked. 

"I guess," I shrugged. 

"Yup, we're staying in," Zach yawned. 

"Okay, I'll see you guys later then," he replied before leaving. 

"I'm going back to sleep," I mumbled. 

Before I could collapse on the bed, he put an arm around my waist and pushed me back up in a sitting position. "It's noon," he stated. 

"And?" I asked, "It's Saturday," I argued. 

"Come on, let's do something," he said as he shook my arm. 

"Fine, if by the time I come out of the bathroom, you don't have an idea of how we can spend our time, I will..." 

What will I do? 

"Not kiss you for twenty-four hours," I huffed before going into the bathroom. I washed my face first before grabbing my toothbrush and beginning to brush my teeth. 

"How is that fair? Twenty-four hours?" he asked while coming into the bathroom and grabbing his toothbrush. 

"You're wasting time," I said, our eyes meeting in the mirror. 

He rolled his eyes and fell into thought while I began smiling at how adorable he looked when he tried concentrating. I finished brushing my teeth and then grabbed my hairbrush while he finished up. I brushed my hair and put it up before beginning to look for a hair tie. 

I always lose those freaking things. 

Anyone who uses hair ties knows what I'm talking about, they never last. One second, they're on your wrist and the next they've disappeared. I opened the cabinet and looked but it wasn't in there, nor should it be, I closed it and huffed, scanning around the bathroom while letting out a sigh and letting my hair fall while I looked in drawers and around the place. 

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