Chapter 13: Packing

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Chapter thirteen: Packing (Ellie's POV)

The days leading up to Thursday seemed to have flown by and Thursday seems to be here too fast. 

"Why are we doing this on Thursday? Why not on Friday when we have the weekend after that and don't have school, let's do it tomorrow." I was desperately fishing for excuses while Brett pushed me towards my car. 

"Ellie, you made the deal, you agreed to his end of it and he agreed to yours. You will go home, pack, he will pick you up and we'll be happy roommates," he huffed. 

"Where am I sleeping?" I turned to him once we reached my car. 

"I don't know, we'll see, just get packing and tell your parents. Pray they say yes," he said before opening the door for me. "See you tonight," he winked before waving me bye and leaving. 

I can't believe I'll be living with these two idiots. 

I got home, grabbed a suitcase, and opened my closet. A month is a long time. I packed my underwear, my bras, shirts, shorts, jeans, some leggings, a lot of sweatpants, took some makeup with me, not too much, and a pair of flip flops with my converse along with the basic toiletries I would need like my toothbrush, moisturizer, face wash, etc. I can always drop by if I need anything. 

I don't think it's a great idea to be packing before talking to my parents but it is what it is. I would have to wait forever for either of them to come home. 

Maybe I should call my mom. What if she's teaching though? 

I dialed my dad's number, it's less likely for him to be performing surgery. "Hello?" he asked. 

"Hi, Dad," I began, "There's something I need to ask you." 

There was a short silence, "All right but I've got a client coming back in for a checkup in five minutes, don't take too long, hmm?" 

Of course, next time I'll just get an appointment first. 

"I was hoping you'd say yes when I ask you if I can go stay with-" Is he more likely to say yes to Brett or Zach? "My friends for the next month," I huffed. 

"The next month?!" he asked, sounding astonished. What does it matter? He's never here anyway. 

"I lost a bet, dad, please? I won't hang up till you say yes, then your client's going to have to wait," I pointed out. 

"All right, all right. Just make sure to leave a message for your mother." That was easier than I thought it would be. It's telling my mom that's gonna be harder. I texted her, asking if she's free to talk for a minute. 

She called me almost instantly. "Hi, honey," she spoke. 

"Hey mom, there's something I need to tell you, and I already asked dad and he said yes so I am going," I said quickly. 

"Ellie," she said warningly. 

"I'm going to stay with my friends for a month," I stated in one quick breath. 

"Which friends?" she questioned. 

"Which ones do you want it to be?" I asked cheekily. 

"Ellie," she huffed. 

"It's um- Brett," I said. 

"And?" she asked knowingly. 

"Zach," I cleared my throat. 

"Ellie, honey," she sighed. 

"Mom, you're the one that said it's time to move on, that's what we're trying to do, please?" I sat down on the edge of my bed. 

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