Chapter 20

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    As I woke up, before the events of last night returned to me, I already knew I had slept at Archer's. I was tucked against his broad chest with his large hands holding my back. The scent of spices and cedar filled my nose as I sucked in a breath and arched my spine in an attempt to stretch.

    I wriggled myself up enough to perch my elbow on the pillow. Archer's arms stayed wrapped around me but dropped to my waist. A giggle escaped my lips as I looked behind me. Emmett was sprawled out on his back, starfishing on the far side of the bed. His arm smooshed into poor Madeline's face as she seemed to be shoving herself as far into me as she could.

    My breath hitched as Archer tightened his hold on me, tugging me closer in his sleep. The motion, from my partially sitting position, caused his cheek to nestle into my breasts. Warmth spread from his cheek to my heart as he let out a contented sigh.

    I let my eyes trace his face as I cradled his head with my arms. Gosh, he is so dang handsome. Dark, long lashes rimmed his closed eyes. His nose was strong and straight as it led down to his slightly pouted lips. Staring at his lips, I had a sudden urge to kiss him awake. They just looked so firm and smooth. I had kissed boys in high school, but it never quite lived up to the magic that romance novels had promised. Would kissing Archer be different? Geez, get it together ya horn-dog...

    Before my imagination could run wild, Archer's lashes fluttered open. His sleepy stare locked with mine and we both smiled. Waking up with Archer had become one of my favourite feelings. There were a few moments, just as he opened his eyes, where he was so relaxed and happy. For those few minutes, it was as though his heart was clear of any stress or anger.

    "Morning, Sweetheart," he mumbled against my chest. It was then that he realized where his head was resting as he pulled back for a moment before dropping his face back down. "Well, this is about the best pillow I've ever had," he smirked, making me laugh out loud.

    "Ugh, shhhhhh it's too early," Emmett grumbled from the other end of the bed. Archer's eyes narrowed as he reached around me and snapped his two fingers like a whip on Emmett's shoulder. I sucked air between my teeth at the smacking sound against flesh. That must have hurt...

    "How about you get the fuck out of my bed, Rookie." Archer smiled as he rested back into my hold. Clearly happy with himself.

    "Don't listen to him Emmett, you're fine," I said sweetly as Archer glared at me. I poked his cheek with my finger getting him to chomp at me like a shark.

    "Y'all need to shut up," Madeline whined as she stretched widely, almost punching Emmett in the face. She smiled at me as she sat up, fluffing her hair. "How're you doing, girl? After last night?" Both Emmett and Archer stilled to listen to my answer as well.

    In my current cuddle sandwich, it was hard to feel sad about Brit and Kayla. I loved them and I wanted our friendships to last. Although, I also knew I couldn't continue to be treated the way I always had. It almost felt unfair to suddenly expect the girls to change the way they treated me after all these years. But after only a few months at USC, I felt myself growing and changing. Would it continue the longer I was here? If so, would it become even harder to stay friends with Brit and Kayla?

    "Should I text them? Or just leave it?" I asked after telling them my thoughts.

    "I say, leave it," Madeline answered first with a grunt of agreement coming from Archer. "You told them everything you needed to last night, let them stew on it for a bit and if they really care about the friendship—they'll come to you."

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