Chapter 33

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My heart thudded in my chest as I stared back at my dad. His mask of shock was slowly changing. His neck flushed red and his lips were pushed tightly into a line. His narrowed eyes were aimed directly at Archer who still stood next to me. By instinct, I sunk closer into Archer's side. Partially from nerves and partially to protect him from the death-glare my dad sent his way.

My movement caught my dad's eye and his gaze flicked to me. His eyes softened slightly but then he shook his head and slipped into the crowd.

Mrs. Johnson and my mom finally came to life from their frozen states and rushed forward. Both had huge smiles on their faces as they attacked us with hugs. I stepped aside to let Archer have a moment of celebration with his tearful mother and over-exuberant sister.

"Really Lotty," my mom chided as she wrapped me in a hug. "I've been trying to slowly peel the bandaid off with your father that you are growing up. But you just ripped it right off."

"He's mad at me isn't he?" I worried.

Mom gave me a thoughtful smile and swiped her thumb across my cheek. "Not mad, I don't think. He's just not good with change. Especially when it comes to you. Now Oliver on the other hand—"

The mention of my brother made the blood drop from my face. I searched the cheerful crowd for him, frantic to apologize. I found him a few yards away standing with some of Archer's teammates. He hugged James and congratulated him while patting his back. James was still wearing his same bright smile as usual while he shouted over the crowd into Oliver's ear.

I slowly made my way over and tugged on Ollie's shirt. "Hey big brother," I said softly as he turned to look down at me.

"How long." Oliver's face was flat. It was so different than his normally over-dramatic emotions.

"We've only been dating since New Years," I rushed out. "And we were going to tell you right away but then everything happened with his dad and then we had to go back to school—"

"You guys are actually dating?" Oliver interrupted. I nodded weakly, unsure of his reaction. "Are you just assuming or did Archer actually put a label on it?" His voice was hard and determined. I didn't understand what he was getting at.

"Yes,"-I scrunched my eyebrows-"He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes."

Oliver let out a whoosh of air from his cheeks. His eyes flitted around as though he were doing math in his head. "This is a lot Charlotte." I tried not to take it personally that he used my full name, but it stung. "It was already weird when you guys became friends. Now you're dating? He's been my best friend since I was five."

Oliver's dejected voice broke my heart. He wasn't getting angry at me, he just seemed confused and sad. "I'm so sorry," I pleaded. "What do I do? Tell me Ollie how do I make this better?"

A sad smile touched his lips as he dropped a hand on my shoulder. "I'm the one who has to figure things out. Not you. This is just... classic."

I wanted to ask Oliver what he meant by that. I wanted to push him to forgive me and go back to normal. But I'd been selfish in how I handled my relationship with Archer, and I needed to give Ollie space. I gave him a quick hug around the stomach that he didn't return and I walked away.

The crowd was still riled up from our win and I had to snake my way through the jumping fans as I looked for my dad. I saw him standing on the sidelines with my mother. Mom was speed-talking as she waved her hands around dramatically. Dad stood at his full height with his shoulder's set back as he listened, shaking his head occasionally and rolling his eyes.

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