Chapter 43

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I relaxed back against the hard wood of the park bench and raised my face to the sky. The late March sun beamed down on my skin and made me smile. I'm sure I looked silly sitting here alone, smiling like a goofball. It was hard not to be happy these days though.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I checked the time. I had twenty more minutes to wait here. Feeling a little weak I opened Instagram for the millionth time in the past week. I had been shocked when I got the notification that Archer tagged me in something. Madeline and I had been laying on the couch catching up and watching movies when my phone buzzed. I'd burst into tears when I saw the beautiful picture he'd chosen and the simple caption. It had been only two words, but they'd filled me with so much love and joy.

My light.

Looking at the picture now, my heart melted into a bunch of goo by my feet. I never thought I'd care so much about social media, or publicizing our relationship. But the fact that Archer had done it just warmed me right up. His post had over 1000 likes and tons of comments. I scrolled through, reading the ones I hadn't seen yet.

@tylerthestud what a couple of beauties!
@hollycheer98 kill me, you two are just the cutest.
@benny545 damn bro ur a lucky guy.
@emmettreynolds Mom and Dad! 😍
@pjohnson awe my two little love birds! So cute...... Luv mom.
@brocktherock SOFT. But she does look like a keeper man.
@britbrit I always knew you two would get together! So cute.
@kutiekayla ^^^^agreed Brit! You two are so great together. Miss you both!

I narrowed my eyes at Brit and Kayla's comments. It had been five months with absolutely no word from either of them and now they were making a big show as if we were all best friends? I really shouldn't be surprised. The three of us had never been much for resolving our issues, especially if I were the one upset. They'd always just wait me out until I eventually folded and ran back to them.

Annoyed by their phoniness, I considered doing something to knock them down a peg. Maybe I could finally send off that essay of a text I'd planned in my head several times. Or I could be really petty and comment something back that made it clear we weren't friends.

In the same breath though, I knew I wouldn't do either. Did I find Brit and Kayla annoying? That's a big ol' yes. Was I angry at them still? Hurt? No. The truth was, I'd just outgrown them. There was a time when I had thought they'd be my best friends until I was old and grey. As much as I tried to ignore it, they were good friends to me at one point. Sure, they were selfish occasionally and a little vapid. But what teenage girl hadn't been?

I closed my phone feeling at peace with the fact that I didn't need closure with either girl, because it just didn't matter to me anymore. They were a huge part of one phase in my life, and for that I was thankful. If they wanted to cling on to some random connection they thought they had to my boyfriend, then be my guest. 

A car horn beeping repeatedly drew my attention back to my surroundings. Obnoxious entrance? Yep, that's my brother.

"Baby sis!" Ollie called as he hopped out of his car and ran over to me. I smiled as I stood to greet him and almost got plowed over in his hug.

"Hey big brother," I laughed into his embrace. We sat back onto the park bench and casually watched some kids play in the distance while we caught up. Pride swelled within me as I listened to Oliver's easy chatter. He'd been working so hard to get himself back on track. It was like once he opened one door, he just had to keep knocking more open. He was currently telling me about some work friends he'd come out to.

"I'm glad everyone seems to be accepting it well," I grinned.

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