Chapter 47

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Hey guys! I am writing this chapter on my new MacBook so hopefully, it doesn't change the formatting too much from previous chapters. <3 


"What the fuck are you wearing?" Archer's gravelly voice made me jump out of my skin as I fixed my hair in the mirror. 

I frowned at my reflection, unsure of what his problem was. "I'm wearing secret mission clothes?" Turning to inspect his outfit, I scoffed. "You can't wear a bright white sweater on a stakeout Archer, you already stand out like a sore thumb with your giraffe-height and that handsome face." 

Archer adjusted the neckline of his sweater over my head in the mirror and smirked. I rolled my eyes, knowing he only focused on me calling him handsome. 

"You're doing the stakeout, dummy." He laughed. "I'm the talent remember?" 

"Well then Lord helps us all," I said dryly. 

I picked up the black ballcap from the counter and adjusted it to cast a shadow over my face. Spinning on my heels I held out my arms for Archer to see the full effect. I felt like G.I Jane with my black canvas army-pants, black long sleeve, and a puffer vest. Also black of course. 

"You're beautiful." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed my cheek. My insides melted at how sweet he could be. The stinging smack on my bum was a firm reminder of the big brute my boyfriend actually was though. "But you're delusional if you think my dad won't recognize you just because you're in all black." 

"Obviously I'm also gonna be super sneaky," I assured him. 

Archer stared at me for a moment then a sly grin tugged at his lips. "Well, then Lord help us all." 

"Okay, Jerkface let's get this show on the road." I led him out of the bathroom and down the hallway. I knocked on Madeline's door when I passed as a goodbye and then left the dorm. I knew she was studying for finals in her cave so I didn't want to annoy her by going in. 

The poor girl had been spending so much time with Cole recently, she'd left all of her studying until the last minute. I didn't blame her of course, I totally understood how much of a distraction a hot boy could be. Luckily, Archer was determined to pass all of his classes, so we'd been keeping each other in check with studying. 

It crossed my mind how easily Madeline and I had fallen into these routines of living together. We never even had to articulate rules, we just knew them. We knew when it was okay to invade each other's space and spend hours chatting about nothing on our beds. But we also knew when the other needed to be left alone. 

When Archer asked me to move in with him, I was absorbed with the fantasy of being with him all of the time. Spending every night in his arms, and every morning getting ready together. But over the last few weeks, it has really hit me what I'd be letting go of as well. Not to mention the headache that I would have permanently from my Dad's judgement. 

"Okay, Sweetheart." Archer opened the truck door for me and helped me in. "You know the plan?" 

"Stay in the truck with my dad. Keep an eye on the restaurant. Whoop your dad's butt if he tries anything with you." I recited it easily. 

"Not quite," he said pointedly. 

"Whoop your dad's butt even if he doesn't try anything?" I offered with innocent eyes. 

"You know what? Yeah, that's the plan," Archer laughed. "But you forgot to protect me from your dad when he sees I brought you." 

Archer shut the door and walked around the truck. I grimaced as I thought about how my dad might react. I hadn't really given Archer a choice in whether or not I could come. From the second he said tonight was the night to stick it to Bryan, I was in. I knew my dad would blame Archer though. It's not like this was a dangerous spy mission but my dad didn't want me involved. 

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